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Epidemic stimulates e-commerce development in Pakistan

The epidemic stimulates the development of e-commerce in Pakistan According to a report by Pakistan’s “Express Forum” on May 9, during the epidemic, most traditio…

The epidemic stimulates the development of e-commerce in Pakistan

According to a report by Pakistan’s “Express Forum” on May 9, during the epidemic, most traditional offline sales models around the world stagnated, but e-commerce developed rapidly, and online sales in Pakistan also increased significantly. Small businesses have encountered great difficulties in the past few weeks, but various online sales platforms have provided them with sales channels and rare opportunities. More and more clothing, shoes and hats, electronic products, and frozen food companies have begun to sell through online platforms. Products, some large clothing companies and retailers also sell online through their own established network platforms. The person in charge of the Karachi Electronic Products Association said that online sales have become an important way of doing business during the epidemic and are also the future development trend of Pakistan’s business.

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