Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News The 18th Caprolactam and Nylon Forum was held in Shanghai

The 18th Caprolactam and Nylon Forum was held in Shanghai

The 18th Caprolactam and Nylon Forum was held in Shanghai Recently, sponsored by China Chemical Fiber Industry Associationnylon branch and China Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., Hengtian …

The 18th Caprolactam and Nylon Forum was held in Shanghai

Recently, sponsored by China Chemical Fiber Industry Associationnylon branch and China Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., Hengtian Lanxiu Network Technology Co., Ltd. (China Fiber Network), The 18th China International Caprolactam and Nylon Forum hosted by the British company Tecnon OrbiChem was held in Shanghai.

Representatives from Hengyi Petrochemical, Hengshen Synthetic Fiber, Yangmei Group, Tianchen Yaolong, Jinjiang Technology, Shenma Industrial, Xinhui Meida, Huading Nylon and other domestic industry chain-related enterprises gathered together to discuss the current situation of caprolactam The supply and demand pattern of the market, the latest developments in the nylon 6 industry, and future development trends were discussed. At the same time, more than 40 overseas industry representatives from Germany, South Korea, Russia, Japan, the Netherlands, Italy and other countries watched the live broadcast of the conference online.

Participants pointed out that in recent years, my country’s caprolactam production capacity has continued to expand, and the trend of integrated development is obvious. At the same time, the localization technology of adiponitrile, the raw material of nylon 66, needs to be broken through. Representatives at the meeting also said that in the next few years, the nylon industry will see both opportunities and challenges. Among them, the competition in the nylon 6 industry will become more intense, and the nylon 66 industry will usher in great development.



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