Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Jiujiang: Promote high-quality leap-forward development of the textile and apparel industry

Jiujiang: Promote high-quality leap-forward development of the textile and apparel industry

Jiujiang: Promote high-quality leap-forward development of the textile and apparel industry On May 6, Luo Xiaoyun, deputy governor and provincial textile and apparel industry chain…

Jiujiang: Promote high-quality leap-forward development of the textile and apparel industry

On May 6, Luo Xiaoyun, deputy governor and provincial textile and apparel industry chain chief, went to Gongqing City and De’an County of our city to conduct research on the development of the textile and apparel industry chain.

In Gongqing City, Luo Xiaoyun and his party visited Gongqing Branch of China Textile Research Institute (Down National Inspection Center), Gongqing City Garment Town and other places to gain on-the-spot understanding of the development of the textile and apparel industry, business operations, scientific research platform construction, etc. Condition. The textile and garment industry is one of the traditional pillar industries in De’an County. After years of cultivation, development, transformation and upgrading, it has now formed a relatively complete industry including spinning (thread), weaving, dyeing and printing, clothing design, processing, and sales. system and was awarded the “Jiangxi Province Textile and Garment Industry Base”. At Dexin Textile Co., Ltd., Luo Xiaoyun and his party walked into the company’s workshop, looking and asking questions to learn more about the company’s production and operation. When I learned that the company invested 1 billion yuan in the second phase of technical transformation and upgrading, it not only increased production capacity and improved production efficiency, but also saved labor costs and improved productquality, Luo Xiaoyun spoke highly of the company’s development philosophy. He encouraged enterprises to further accelerate the pace of technological transformation and upgrading, improve core competitiveness, and effectively make enterprises bigger and stronger and become industry benchmarks.

After listening to the experience and practices of relevant departments in extending, strengthening and replenishing chains in the textile and apparel industry as well as the difficulties and problems existing in enterprise development, Luo Xiaoyun pointed out that the textile and apparel industry is Jiangxi’s traditional industry and advantageous industry, and it is also Jiangxi’s One of the key industrial chains to be built. All localities and departments must effectively enhance the sense of urgency in developing the textile and apparel industry, scientifically study and judge the development situation of the textile and apparel industry, consider and plan from the systemic perspective of the industrial chain, base on their own reality, seize great opportunities, integrate various elements, and improve Revitalize development confidence, thereby promoting the province’s textile and apparel industry to achieve high-quality leap-forward development.

Luo Xiaoyun emphasized that we must effectively grasp the development focus of the textile and garment industry, adhere to the concept of “project is king”, and pay close attention to project construction, focusing on both quality and quantity to further enhance the potential for industrial development; Persistently increase support for nurturing enterprises, promote a group of textile and garment enterprises to become bigger and stronger, become leading enterprises, and realize the development of industrial clusters; we must pay attention to technological innovation and persist in font color=”#FF8040″>Technological innovation takes the lead, vigorously promotes new materials and new technologies in industrial development, and continuously promotes the smartization of the textile and garment industry , intelligent, and drive the industry to accelerate transformation and upgrading; we must pay attention to the creation of textile and clothing brands and cultivate a group of Jiangxi characteristics and An influential clothing brand; we must strengthen industrial supporting facilities, further extend, strengthen and supplement the chain, and build a textile and clothing industry chain with internal circulation as the main body; we must explore and innovate in mechanisms, combine with reality, and conscientiously complete the textile and clothing industry chain Plan to make up for the deficiencies and shortcomings to make the industry truly strong and form an independent industrial chain; it is necessary to optimize the allocation of resources in the textile and apparel industry, actively build platforms for enterprises, support and cultivate leading scientific research platforms in the field of textile and apparel, and realize scientific and technological Empower the industry. At the same time, all relevant departments should take the initiative and provide front-line services, strive to solve a number of outstanding difficulties and problems that affect the development of enterprises, and create a good environment for the development of textile and garment enterprises.

Du Zhangbiao, Deputy Director of the General Office of the Provincial Government, Jiang Mingcheng, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Yan Shengping, Vice Mayor, Xu Hongmei, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Committee, and Wang Fengpeng, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Committee and Secretary of the Gongqing City Committee, accompanied the meeting.



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