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China Textile Federation held a rotating training class on party history study and education

China Textile Federation held a rotating training class on party history study and education Recently, the Party Committee of China Textile Industry Federation held a rotating trai…

China Textile Federation held a rotating training class on party history study and education

Recently, the Party Committee of China Textile Industry Federation held a rotating training class on party history study and education in Beijing. This rotating training class was held in three phases, with the aim of learning party history from the General Secretary, reading original works and learning original texts, recalling party history by watching documentaries, listening to party history lectures by party committee leaders and party history experts, and learning party history from heroes and role models. The main learning content is to learn Party history by contacting industry work, intensively watching movies to learn Party history, and singing red songs to learn Party history.

All members of the leadership team of China Textile Federation and members of the Party Committee and Discipline Inspection Commission of China Textile Federation; 26 directly affiliated grassroots party organizations and grassroots party committees, party branch secretaries, deputy secretaries and party building liaison officers of the general party branch; various departments of China Textile Federation More than 260 people, including party members and leading cadres at the deputy director level and above, deputy secretary-general of professional associations and above, and principal leaders of various departments and units, including Chinese and African party members and leading cadres, participated in the centralized rotation training.

Gao Yong, Secretary of the Party Committee of China Textile Federation, Sun Ruizhe, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman, and Chen Weikang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, respectively delivered three opening mobilization speeches, emphasizing the purpose of this training rotation and preaching the history of the Party. All students are required to fully understand the importance of this study, clarify the goals and requirements, strengthen the “four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “four self-confidences”, and achieve “two safeguards” to learn history to understand reason, learn history to increase trust, learn history to respect morality, and learn history. Study history and practice it.

Gao Yong said in the party history study and education lecture that the party has gone through a century of glorious history. Looking back at the development history of China’s textile industry from the history of the party, the textile industry has experienced a process from difficulties to rapid development and then to rapid development. my country has become the world’s largest producer, consumer and exporter of textiles and clothing. The largest country is taking great strides towards becoming a textile power. Today’s Chinese textile industry is in an era of great transformation and change. Through the study of party history, it will help China’s textile industry face transformation and changes, and help China’s textile industry continue to innovate ideas and quickly enter high-tech in the new development stageQualitydevelopment provides a powerful ideological and political guarantee.

Sun Ruizhe said that the textile industry is the first industry in China’s manufacturing industry to become stronger. At the historical node of fully realizing the construction of a well-off society and starting a new journey of building a modern socialist country, Established a new positioning. Through the study of party history, we must discover the truth in the logic of historical development, enhance confidence from the trajectory of historical development, learn from the success of historical development, strive for progress amidst the inevitability of historical development, and in building a modern industrial system, In serving the new development pattern and creating high-quality life, we should practice the spirit of the textile industry in the new era, that is, “the patriotic spirit of rejuvenating the country through industry, the scientific spirit of pragmatism and innovation, the spirit of unity of coordinated development,Talentfirst humanistic spirit” and strive to promote the high-quality development of the textile industry.

In the concluding speech of the rotation training class, Chen Weikang said: The study and education of party history is a major political task throughout the year. The three rotation training classes have completed the task well and achieved the expected goals. He also proposed: First, through learning in rotating training classes, we should do a good job in practical work while deeply thinking about history, so as to better move towards the future. The second is to take the rotation training class as a new starting point and continue to do a good job in the study and education of party history with higher quality and higher standards; on the basis of new insights and stronger political consciousness, we must more accurately grasp the study and education of party history focus on giving full play to the role of grassroots party organizations to promote implementation and deepen work.

Taking this rotation training class as an opportunity, the party history study and education of the China Textile Federation Party Committee is being carried out in depth, educating and guiding China Textile Federation party members and cadres to learn party history, understand ideas, do practical things, open new situations, and strengthen party building. Improve political theory literacy, improve industry work capabilities, improve professional standards, better play the role of bridges and ties between industry organizations, strive to start a new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modern country with a high-spirited attitude, and welcome the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party with outstanding achievements.



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