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Wuhan Textile University holds the English Speech Contest “Telling Chinese Stories and Reflecting on Centenary Hearts”

Wuhan Textile University held an English speech contest “Telling China’s Stories and Reflecting on Centenary Hearts” “I integrate emotions into my works, telling …

Wuhan Textile University held an English speech contest “Telling China’s Stories and Reflecting on Centenary Hearts”

“I integrate emotions into my works, telling the story of the party’s century-old journey through the “old house” and “flowery clothes” in my childhood memories, using animation, and using a small-scale approach to tell the big story… …” Li Xun, a student from art and design, shared his insights on creation at the award ceremony of the English speech contest with the theme of “Telling Chinese Stories and Reflecting on Centenary Hearts”.

On May 6, Wuhan Textile University held an English speech award ceremony with the theme of “Telling Chinese Stories, Feeling the Heart of the Centenary”. Since the event was launched, the school has received an enthusiastic response, and students have actively participated in the competition. Nearly 200 works have been received from 15 colleges. A total of 30 works have been awarded awards. Students from the University of Textile Industry have learned from the profound changes in the appearance of their hometown, the changes in the stories of their small families over the years, the heroic deeds of party members, and the great feats they have witnessed through lens language, video editing, animation creation and other means. In the intertwining of emotions and scenery, the gathering of sounds and shadows, wonderful Chinese stories are told in English one after another, showing that over the past century since the founding of the Party, the Communist Party of China has united and led the people of the country in economic development, infrastructure, science, education and culture, poverty alleviation, and Great achievements have been made in ecological civilization and other aspects.

Based on the characteristics and needs of young students, the School of Foreign Languages ​​of Wuhan Textile University innovates the form of party history learning and education, and carries out a series of activities such as English speeches, recitations, and debates across the school to make the study of party history more engrossing in the brain and heart. “I truly feel from the changes in my hometown that the Party has brought us tangible happiness. I think that the so-called Chinese story is composed of thousands of such touching little stories. The grand plan has been drawn and the clarion call has been made. Blow the whistle; the ambition is in our hearts, and the whip is under our feet. Let us inherit the ambition of the party and continue the story of China with high-spirited writing.” said Fan Gege, a student in Class 11902 of China International Trade Center.



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