Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Jinjiang, Fujian: Setting benchmarks, optimizing ecology, bravely innovating, and boosting traditional manufacturing industry to increase “digital” development

Jinjiang, Fujian: Setting benchmarks, optimizing ecology, bravely innovating, and boosting traditional manufacturing industry to increase “digital” development

Jinjiang, Fujian: Setting benchmarks, optimizing ecology, bravely innovating, and promoting traditional manufacturing industry to increase “digital” speed As a major ma…

Jinjiang, Fujian: Setting benchmarks, optimizing ecology, bravely innovating, and promoting traditional manufacturing industry to increase “digital” speed

As a major manufacturing province, Fujian’s traditional manufacturing industry not only has many categories, but also accounts for a high proportion. Among them, the textile, footwear and clothing industry is the most representative, and the number of enterprises accounts for nearly one-fifth of the province’s manufacturing industry. one. In Jinjiang, Fujian, textiles and shoes and apparel are the two most important local industrial clusters of 100 billion yuan. However, there are so many small and medium-sized enterprises that they dare not face the challenges in the digitalization process. The issue of transferability and inability to transfer is prominent. How to resolve this problem? Let’s look at the reporter’s research.

During the investigation, the reporter came to a textile production company in Jinjiang, Fujian Province. In the huge production workshop, there were almost no workers in sight, and only textile equipment was busy at high speed. So, how to solve the problem of equipment yarn breakage, which has always required a large amount of manpower to be inspected and is the most troublesome problem in the textile industry? This company has installed 5G digital quality inspection systems such as robotic vision, laser, and infrared for each piece of equipment. It is also equipped with temperature and humidity control equipment. While reducing manpower, product quality has also been improved, and the pass rate has increased from 75%. to 95%.

Headquarters reporter Wei Ming: Through digital upgrades, each such knitting equipment can control tens of thousands of yarns at the same time, which is more than three times that of conventional equipment. For example, the fabric in my hand has various structures such as full velvet, half velvet, and no velvet, and it also has a large number of irregular patterns and staggered layers. But weaving such a piece of fabric does not require multiple cutting and splicing. The designer only needs to input the edited graphics into such a device, and it can be knitted and formed in one go just like printing.

Currently, this company is being promoted locally as one of Jinjiang’s digital transformation demonstration cases. Previously, digital transformation often discouraged small and medium-sized enterprises due to factors such as high costs and disproportionate input and output. Establishing demonstration cases can help more companies that are waiting to make up their minds to transform and upgrade.

More and more companies are determined, but how to change? Fujian Jinjiang took the initiative to find ways and solutions for enterprises, took the lead in forming an industrial digital service collaboration alliance, and recruited high-quality digital service teams, scientific research institutes and other institutions to serve enterprises nearby. At the same time, Jinjiang also uses policy subsidies and other forms to promote the docking of production capacity between leading enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises. While upstream and downstream collaboration, it also drives the rapid growth of potential small and medium-sized enterprises through leading enterprises.

In addition to Jinjiang, all parts of Fujian are currently introducing measures based on local conditions to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries. In Changle, Fujian, a regional industrial Internet platform has also been built to connect hundreds of local production companies to help a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises improve quality, reduce costs and increase efficiency through collaborative design, centralized procurement and dispatch, quality control, etc. Fujian strives to have more than 66% of enterprises in the province’s key business links fully digitalized by the end of 2025.

Innovation is a common trend and traditional manufacturing industry is revitalized

Nowadays, innovation in traditional manufacturing industries represented by textiles, shoes and clothing in Fujian has become commonplace. Some companies have transformed their business models through innovation. As long as consumers measure their foot shape data in the store, the automated production line behind the store can provide This consumer produces a pair of customized shoes that fit well, and can also use AI technology to draw the pattern the consumer wants.

According to statistics from the Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Department, the current R&D investment of Fujian enterprises accounts for about 88% of the province’s R&D investment, which is 12 percentage points higher than the national average. It can be said that today, Fujian’s traditional manufacturing industry is no longer competing for price, but has realized its transformation into competing for technology.



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