Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News 1.75 million acres of cotton in Wujiaqu City of the Sixth Division has entered the peak budding and early flowering stages.

1.75 million acres of cotton in Wujiaqu City of the Sixth Division has entered the peak budding and early flowering stages.

1.75 million acres of cotton in Wujiaqu City of the Sixth Division has entered the peak budding and early flowering stages Currently, 1.75 million acres of cotton in Wujiaqu City o…

1.75 million acres of cotton in Wujiaqu City of the Sixth Division has entered the peak budding and early flowering stages

Currently, 1.75 million acres of cotton in Wujiaqu City of the Sixth Division are entering the peak budding and early flowering stages, and field management work at this time is extremely critical. In order to achieve the goal of filling the waist with peaches and covering the top with autumn peaches, each group field held on-site cotton topping meetings to implement specific measures for early topping and promotion of early maturity.

The Communist Youth League Farm has established a method whereby the farm leaders are responsible for the company departments and the staff of the Agricultural Development Service Center are responsible for the company. Leading cadres are sent to the agricultural front line to provide point-to-point services to the seven agricultural companies and urge the companies to hold cotton topping on-site meetings. Guide employees to topping cotton, effectively implement the key technologies for creating high-quality cotton in a timely manner and further improve the quality of the farm’s 130,000 acres of cotton.

This year, the overall growth and development process of cotton on the Communist Youth League farm was delayed by 8-10 days compared with last year. During the topping, the measures of insisting on small topping and chemically controlled capping 5-7 days after topping were adopted to ensure that the cotton on the farm was topping. The top work was completed with quality and quantity.

Chen Peng, an employee of the Seventh Company of the Communist Youth League Farm: “Topping as required can increase cotton production, improve cotton quality, and lay a solid foundation for a good harvest this year.”

On June 24, the Liuyun Lake Farm Agricultural Development Service Center invited Shihezi cotton field management experts to the fields to explain to farmers matters such as cotton topping, cotton growth, number of fruit branches, pest control, and early flowering period management. Open up the blocking points in the cotton topping process and help the cotton industry develop with high quality and efficiency.

Ma Chao, a staff member of the Liuyun Lake Farm Agricultural Development Service Center: “The current average height of cotton is about 75 centimeters, and the average number of fruit branches is 8-9, which meets the conditions for cotton topping. After topping, the bell can be quickly displayed, It produces peaches and promotes high cotton yield and efficiency.”

Liuyun Lake Farm is planting 33,000 acres of cotton this year. Each company will follow the principle of “branching at different times and branches at different times” and according to the cotton growth, to achieve classified topping, timely topping, and hierarchical topping. , divide the work into stages, focus on key points, and complete the topping work with quality and quantity.

On June 23, Qinghu Town, the 101st Regiment, held an on-site cotton topping meeting in Wulian, where they put forward specific requirements for cotton topping work and made arrangements for cotton field management.

The Tuan Town requires all units to give full play to the role of the Tuan Town’s “1+N” support and guidance mechanism. Members of the Tuan Town’s leadership team must share responsibility, assign responsibilities to each person, and formulate an accountability system to establish an appropriate early topping system. ideas, and strive to improve the quality and efficiency of cotton. Each company strictly controls the time, establishes a “one place, one policy, one responsibility” system to provide classified guidance and management of cotton. According to the order of “strike strong seedlings early, weak seedlings late, and strong seedlings at the right time”, we strive to achieve 7 The topping work will be completed before May 5th.

On June 24, Caijiahu Town of the 103rd Regiment organized an on-site meeting on cotton topping work, marking the full launch of the topping work of the entire regiment’s 128,000 acres of cotton.

The Tuan Town requires each company to shoulder the heavy burden, do a good job in agricultural services, and formulate topping target management and measures in accordance with the principle of “the branches do not wait until the time comes, and the time does not wait for the branches”. During the topping process, the tops must be taken out of the field and buried to avoid the occurrence of pests and diseases. Tuan Town encourages employees to exchange jobs with each other to alleviate the current labor shortage problem. At the same time, it also forms volunteer service teams for Tuan Town agencies and public institutions to help employees in need.

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