Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange: Change of designated cotton yarn quality inspection agency

Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange: Change of designated cotton yarn quality inspection agency

Zhengzhou Commercial Exchange: Change of designated cotton yarn quality inspection agency Announcement of Zhengzhou Commercial Exchange on the change of designated cotton yarn qual…

Zhengzhou Commercial Exchange: Change of designated cotton yarn quality inspection agency

Announcement of Zhengzhou Commercial Exchange on the change of designated cotton yarn quality inspection agency

The cotton yarn quality inspection agency designated by Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange, “Henan Textile ProductQualitySupervision and Inspection Institute” is now changed to “Henan Fiber Textile Product Quality Monitoring and Inspection Institute”, contact person Synchronize changes with contact information. The specific information is as follows:

Unit name: Henan Fiber and Textile Products Quality Monitoring and Inspection Research Institute

Contact person: Qin Zhicheng

Contact information: 18736067071

Address: Quality Inspection Building at the intersection of Jianshe West Road and West Fourth Ring Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province

Postal code: 450007

Special announcement.

Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange

June 26, 2023

AAA functional fabric network DBGRTHRTH


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