Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Turkmenistan’s Baden Garment Factory will be controlled by private companies after share reform

Turkmenistan’s Baden Garment Factory will be controlled by private companies after share reform

Turkmenistan’s Baden Garment Factory will be controlled by a private company after share reform Turkmenistan Oriental Network reported on May 2 that after the Bachden Garment…

Turkmenistan’s Baden Garment Factory will be controlled by a private company after share reform

Turkmenistan Oriental Network reported on May 2 that after the Bachden Garment Factory is restructured into an open joint-stock company, the private company “Gerchek Yigit” will achieve control and own 60% of the enterprise. Shares, 40% of the Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan. Previously, all joint-stock companies established in Turkmenistan were controlled by the state, with the state accounting for 51% or more of the shares.

AAA Composite Fabric Network VBBCNVM, N. KJO


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