Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News What are the types of cheongsam fabrics? How to choose cheongsam fabric?

What are the types of cheongsam fabrics? How to choose cheongsam fabric?

What are the types of cheongsam fabrics? How to choose cheongsam fabric? The cheongsam is a traditional clothing for Chinese women. As the quintessence of China, the origin of the …

What are the types of cheongsam fabrics? How to choose cheongsam fabric?

The cheongsam is a traditional clothing for Chinese women. As the quintessence of China, the origin of the cheongsam can be traced back to the pre-Qin period. The current price of the cheongsam also varies, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand. The main factors that determine the price of the cheongsam are: What are the types of cheongsam fabrics? The editor will share with you the types of cheongsam fabrics and how to choose them.

What are the types of cheongsam fabrics? How to choose cheongsam fabrics?

Real silk cheongsam: It is a satin made of real silk as the main material. Generally, silk is used. The silk surface is smooth and delicate and has excellent drape. It is a kind of high-end clothing fabric. The price of similar cheongsam is generally more than 1,000 yuan.

Brocade cheongsam: The types of cheongsam fabrics are divided into silk, gold and silver silk, and rayon brocade. The satin surface is bright and delicate, colorful and has a comfortable feel. It is also commonly used to produce high-end clothing such as cheongsam. , the price of brocade cheongsam is mostly around 600 to 1,000 yuan.

Cotton and linen cheongsam: The price of cheongsam made of cotton and linen blends will be much lower than the above two, but the functional properties of cotton and linen are still very good. The cheongsam made of this kind of fabric is soft and comfortable to wear, because it has The presence of linen fiber makes the cheongsam more breathable, but the tendency to wrinkle is a major drawback of linen and cotton cheongsam.

Xiangyunsha cheongsam: Xiangyunsha cheongsam is also called soft gold. Its production process is extremely complex and the production cycle is long. The product is rare and very expensive. Many Xiangyunsha cheongsams on the market are fake. It’s a good product, so friends who don’t have the ability to identify it should buy it with caution.

Acetate fabric: This kind of fabric has good elasticity and breathability. Most of the real acetate fabrics are imported from abroad. There are also imitation acetate fabrics in China, which can be used to make high-end cheongsam dresses.

The above types of cheongsam fabrics are commonly used. How to choose depends on your budget and which functional characteristics you need more. There are also various types of cheongsam fabrics for sale. Friends who want to buy can go to Hall 3 Check the specific price in the mall.



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