Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Chargeback, suspension of work, suspension of production! Putian’s shoe industry has been hit hard by the epidemic

Chargeback, suspension of work, suspension of production! Putian’s shoe industry has been hit hard by the epidemic

Chargeback, suspension of work, suspension of production! Putian’s shoe industry has been hit hard by the epidemic The shoemaking industry is one of the pillar industries in …

Chargeback, suspension of work, suspension of production! Putian’s shoe industry has been hit hard by the epidemic

The shoemaking industry is one of the pillar industries in Putian, Fujian. Data shows that there are more than 4,200 shoe companies in Putian, with more than 500,000 employees, an annual output value of over 100 billion yuan, and an annual output of 1.26 billion yuan. Double, accounting for 9.3% of national output. Since the first positive case was discovered on September 10, the epidemic in Putian Xianyou has attracted much attention. Amid the epidemic, what is the current situation of Putian Xianyou’s shoemaking industry? Recently, reporters conducted on-site visits.

At 3 p.m., the reporter saw at a shoe company in Laidian Town, Xianyou County, Fujian Province that the door of the factory was closed. Walking into the production workshop, the once noisy assembly line was now empty. After the outbreak, the factory immediately The company’s overseas orders have been greatly affected by the shutdown of production.

Li Zaili, Director and Vice President of Administration of a Shoe Co., Ltd. in Putian, Fujian: Export There are a lot of orders, but if the goods cannot be shipped, some of the orders will definitely be cancelled.

The relevant person in charge of the company told reporters that currently, the company has more than 2,000 employees, an annual production capacity of about 6 million pairs, and an annual output value of more than 600 million yuan, of which foreign trade orders account for a large proportion.

Huang Minfeng, Planning Manager of a Shoe Co., Ltd. in Putian, Fujian: Our factory mainly produces some professional shoes, such as outdoor shoes and golf shoes. We have overseas customers in Europe and the United States. During this epidemic, many factories in the supply chain cannot open.

Yu Guomin, the person in charge of the e-commerce platform of a shoe industry in Putian, Fujian: So far, I know that our company’s own internal statistics show that there are about a thousand pieces of goods. , only about fifty pieces went out. Everyone is starting to show signs of canceling orders from epidemic areas, and order chargebacks are serious.



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