Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers Applications Hemp Circular Economy Industrial Park will be located in Mingshui County, Heilongjiang

Hemp Circular Economy Industrial Park will be located in Mingshui County, Heilongjiang

Hemp Circular Economy Industrial Park will be located in Mingshui County, Heilongjiang Mingshui County, Heilongjiang Province and SINOMACH China Silk Industrial Co., Ltd. recently …

Hemp Circular Economy Industrial Park will be located in Mingshui County, Heilongjiang

Mingshui County, Heilongjiang Province and SINOMACH China Silk Industrial Co., Ltd. recently reached a cooperation intention to build a hemp industry demonstration zone in Mingshui County. The two parties will conduct in-depth research and cooperation in Mingshui County around the upstream and downstream and horizontal supporting aspects of the entire hemp industry chain to achieve all-round development such as extending and strengthening the industrial chain.

In recent years, Mingshui County, Heilongjiang Province has increased its industrial adjustment efforts, seized the opportunity of the country’s liberalization of hemp industry policies, carried out in-depth “map + genealogy” precise investment promotion, and actively developed the hemp industry. China Silk Industry Co., Ltd. will take the lead in introducing relevant institutions to invest in agriculture and hemp industry projects in Suihua City. It will conduct in-depth cooperation in the comprehensive application of clean hemp and transform Mingshui County from a hemp raw material planting base into hemp deep processing. and clean comprehensive application demonstration base.

It is reported that the project is located in the south area of ​​Mingshui County, with a total area of ​​600,000 square meters. The hemp planting base area is determined to be 500,000 acres. In 2022, the planting area will be 60,000 acres, including 20,000 acres of organic hemp. It will increase year by year thereafter, and the planting area will reach 500,000 acres in 2024. In the first phase of the project, 500 million yuan was invested to build hemp pectin, hemp pulp, and hemp fiber processing and production workshops. Production workshops for other projects are being built year by year, and all will be completed and put into operation in 2025.



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