Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Kuqa: Cotton growth is normal and harvesting is expected to begin in early October

Kuqa: Cotton growth is normal and harvesting is expected to begin in early October

Kuqa: Cotton growth is normal and harvesting is expected to begin in early October Xinjiang’s Kuqa area mainly plants cotton and harvests it with machines. As new cotton harvesting…

Kuqa: Cotton growth is normal and harvesting is expected to begin in early October

Xinjiang’s Kuqa area mainly plants cotton and harvests it with machines. As new cotton harvesting and seed cotton procurement are carried out in Xinjiang, local cotton farmers are actively spraying defoliants and waiting for harvest.

A local cotton farmer said that at present, new cotton is growing normally, and the first defoliant spraying work has been completed. The second defoliant spraying work will also be completed around September 29, and is expected to be around October 10. New cotton harvest begins.



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