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Ding Haowu’s speech at the 2021’ Xinjiang Cotton Industry Development Forum

Ding Haowu’s speech at the 2021’ Xinjiang Cotton Industry Development Forum Dear Deputy Secretary-General Gao Zhimin, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the cotton industry, good a…

Ding Haowu’s speech at the 2021’ Xinjiang Cotton Industry Development Forum

Dear Deputy Secretary-General Gao Zhimin, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the cotton industry, good afternoon!

On the occasion of the new cotton year, the 2021’ Xinjiang Cotton Industry Development Forum was held today simultaneously online and offline. Here, on behalf of the organizer, I would like to express my sincere welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the leaders, guests, representatives and friends from all walks of life who participated in this forum through the Internet!

Since the Xinjiang Cotton Industry Development Forum was held in 2015, it has adhered to the new development concept of “innovation, green, coordination, openness and sharing”, closely focused on the new trends and changes in the development of the domestic cotton industry, and conducted in-depth research on Xinjiang cotton under the new situation. opportunities and challenges in industrial development, and jointly explore effective ways and paths to promote the highquality development of Xinjiang’s cotton industry. In recent years, the forum has become one of the most influential communication platforms in the domestic cotton industry with distinctive Xinjiang regional characteristics, and has played a positive role in strengthening exchanges and cooperation between cotton-related enterprises in the mainland and Xinjiang.

Xinjiang is the most important cotton production base in my country. Since the country implemented the Xinjiang cotton target price reform in 2014, Xinjiang’s cotton output has steadily increased, the interests of cotton farmers have been effectively protected, the cotton circulation order has become more standardized and orderly, and the industrial chain system has been continuously improved. The market competitiveness has been further enhanced and effectively promoted the rapid development of Xinjiang’s textile and garment industry. In 2020, Xinjiang’s cotton output has accounted for nearly 90% of the total domestic cotton output. About 50% of farmers are engaged in cotton production. 30% of farmers’ per capita net income comes from cotton. In particular, more than 90% of counties and cities in southern Xinjiang grow cotton. , accounting for nearly 60% of the area. Xinjiang’s spinning production capacity has reached about 20 million spindles, and its yarn output accounts for more than 20% of the country’s cotton yarn production, directly absorbing and drivingemploymentThe number of people is nearly 600,000. The cotton industry has played an irreplaceable role in increasing farmers’ income and maintaining social stability. Cotton yarn has gradually become an important business card of Xinjiang’s industrial economy, and Xinjiang has become an important high-quality cotton spinning industrial base in my country. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the Third Central Xinjiang Work Symposium held in September 2020, “We must give full play to Xinjiang’s regional advantages to promote the core area of ​​theSilkRoad Economic Belt Driven by construction, we should incorporate Xinjiang’s own regional opening strategy into the country’s overall layout of opening to the west, enrich the carriers of opening up, enhance the level of opening up, innovate the open economic system, and create a highland for inland opening up and border opening up.” As the strategic core area of ​​the New Silk Road Economic Belt, Xinjiang’s cotton industry development faces major opportunities and a bright future.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Over the past 100 years, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese people have created great achievements that have impressed the world, and ushered in a bright prospect for national rejuvenation. As we embark on a new journey towards the second centenary goal, we know that the future is bright and broad, but the road ahead will not be smooth. The world today is undergoing major changes unseen in a century. The global pandemic of the COVID-19 epidemic has accelerated the evolution of these changes. Protectionism and unilateralism are on the rise, and the development of the world economy is full of uncertainties. At the same time, China has achieved major strategic results in epidemic prevention and control by relying on its institutional advantages of concentrating its efforts on big things, creating a favorable environment for economic and social development. From January to August this year, China’s exports of goods increased by 23.7% year-on-year, with the total volume hitting a record high for the same period in history; industrial production has made steady progress, business operating conditions have continued to improve, and profits have remained stable Growth momentum: In the first eight months, profits of industrial enterprises above designated size nationwide increased by 49.5% year-on-year, demonstrating the strong resilience of my country’s supply chain and industrial chain, and making my country’s position as the world’s factory more stable.

Since the launch of new cotton in 2021, affected by factors such as the decline in cotton planting area in Xinjiang, the increase in cotton planting costs, and excess cotton processing capacity, cotton purchase prices have increased significantly, market risks have increased significantly, and the operating pressure of upstream and downstream enterprises in the cotton industry chain has been has significantly increased, which will have a greater impact on the sustainable and healthy development of the cotton industry. To this end, the state, the People’s Government of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and other relevant departments have taken precautions and actively responded by increasing the quantity of cotton reserves, strictly controlling the growth of cotton processing capacity, strengthening quality supervision and market supervision, and accelerating the construction of the corporate credit standard system. and other measures to standardize the cotton market order, stabilize cotton market prices, improve cotton quality, and strive to ensure the smooth and smooth operation of my country’s cotton industry chain and supply chain.

Dear leaders, comrades, and friends, although Sino-US relations have eased recently, this is just a tactical adjustment by the United States, and its strategic tone of containing, containing, and suppressing China has not changed. We should keep a clear mind about this. In the coming period, we are still likely to face more headwinds and headwinds in the external environment. We must dialectically understand and comprehensively grasp the development trend of Xinjiang’s cotton industry, strengthen strategic, systematic, and forward-looking research and planning, and prepare for a series of long-term responses. Thoughts on new risk challengesWant to be prepared and work ready, be good at cultivating new opportunities in crises, opening new games in changes, creating certainty in uncertainty, finding a new balance in changes, and striving to realize the transformation of Xinjiang’s cotton industry to higher quality, more efficiency, and develop in a more equitable, sustainable and secure direction.

The theme of this forum is “Pioneering Innovation, Improving Quality and Efficiency to Promote the High-Quality Development of Xinjiang Cotton Industry”. The purpose is to actively discuss how to deal with challenges and new changes based on the current external situation and the new characteristics, new situations and new changes of Xinjiang’s cotton industry. Innovate new ideas, new measures, and new paths for development to ensure the stable operation of enterprises and promote the high-quality development of Xinjiang’s cotton industry. We firmly believe that under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping as the core and relying on the hard work and tenacious struggle of the people of Xinjiang, the strategic position of Xinjiang’s cotton industry in the national cotton industry will be further consolidated, and Xinjiang’s economic and social development will surely achieve greater results. Big achievement.

Dear leaders, comrades, and friends, I would like to take this opportunity to once again express my sincere gratitude on behalf of the organizer for your strong support to the forum. I wish you all good health, smooth work, and all the best!

Thank you everyone!



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