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Hu Guilian: Take multiple measures to strengthen supervision and strive to improve the XPCC cotton market competitiveness

Hu Guilian: Take multiple measures to strengthen supervision and strive to improve the XPCC cotton market competitiveness The 2021’Xinjiang Cotton Industry Development Forum …

Hu Guilian: Take multiple measures to strengthen supervision and strive to improve the XPCC cotton market competitiveness

The 2021’Xinjiang Cotton Industry Development Forum is underway. Hu Guilian, deputy director of the Market Supervision Bureau of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, is taking “multiple measures to improve the quality of the Corps’ cotton “”, he gave a keynote speech from three aspects: the overall situation of the XPCC’s cotton quality improvement actions, strict supervision of picking, purchasing and processing, and the next work plan.

First, Hu Guilian introduced the overall situation of the Corps’ cotton quality improvement actions. The XPCC strengthens organizational leadership and establishes systems and mechanisms. By formulating and issuing the “Corporation Cotton Quality Improvement Action Work Plan”, top-level arrangements and deployments are made from multiple aspects. Secondly, set up a special work team to consolidate responsibilities at all levels, do a good job in quality control at all stages, and strengthen quality management in key links. Finally, a cotton quality traceability pilot was launched to achieve accurate, high-quality and optimal supplementation.

During the process of picking, purchasing and processing, the Corps carried out strict supervision, and the quality of cotton was significantly improved. The first is to highlight the key points of supervision and refine the requirements for measures. Efforts will be made to improve cotton quality by strengthening the management of cotton picking machines, comprehensively investigating the basic technical conditions of cotton processing enterprises, and adopting a person-to-person approach to strengthen factory supervision. At the same time, we will strengthen publicity and education, and promote cotton farmers and processing plants to comply with relevant regulations by posting relevant policies, commitment letters of processing plants, etc., avoid early picking and purchasing, do not pick and purchase super-watery and super-miscellaneous cotton, and strengthen internal quality control. The third is high quality and good price to encourage quality improvement. Filmed cotton has been favored this year, basically reflecting high quality and good price. Fourth, the public inspection of cotton has been strengthened, and the quality has been significantly improved. Judging from the current public inspection data, the main quality indicators of this year’s Corps, including color grade, length, fracture specific strength and micronaire value, have all improved significantly compared with the previous year.

Regarding the next work plan, Hu Guilian said that under the current severe situation of processing companies rushing to harvest resources and waiting and waiting, and cotton farmers reluctant to sell and queuing up, they will focus on strengthening the following work. The first is strict and precise supervision in accordance with laws and regulations. We will further consolidate the local supervision responsibilities of group farms, establish a quality analysis and judgment mechanism, further strengthen the supervision of foreign fibers and cotton picking machines, and increase penalties for violations in accordance with laws and regulations. The second is to solve problems in quality traceability. It is necessary to strengthen the publicity of the quality traceability pilot and organize orderly delivery. The third is to establish a fair and orderly competition mechanism in the XPCC cotton market. Highlight the orientation of high quality and low price, survival of the fittest, fully stimulate the endogenous motivation of cotton farmers and processing enterprises to pursue quality, and fully promote the high-quality development of the XPCC cotton industry.



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