Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Why are domestic flame retardant fabrics not widely promoted?

Why are domestic flame retardant fabrics not widely promoted?

Why are domestic flame retardant fabrics not widely promoted? Our country began the technological research and development of Flame-retardant fabrics around the 1990s. Why have the…

Why are domestic flame retardant fabrics not widely promoted?

Our country began the technological research and development of Flame-retardant fabrics around the 1990s. Why have their products not been widely promoted

First of all, the public does not have enough understanding of this, and the awareness of personal protection is not clear. As a result, flame-retardant fabrics and clothing are mostly used in the field of professional workwear
and it is difficult to promote civilian use. .

The second is the price issue. Compared with the civilian field, whether it is professional workwear or military field, the demand for flame-retardant fabrics is still relatively high
It is small, and the price of the flame retardant product itself is also slightly higher. For many years, the product price has been at a relatively high point.

Again, from a national level, this is also an important point. Our country does not have complete laws, regulations or mandatory standards.
For the use of barriers in some public places Burning products are not binding.

With the development of society, there are more and more high-rise buildings, hotels and other places. However, the focus on emergency systems cannot just stop
in putting out fires; Nip problems in the bud. For example, it is very difficult to put out fires in high-rise buildings. If such places can be equipped withfire blankets, escape ropes, or use flame-retardant fabrics, it will buy valuable time for rescue and self-rescue. If it is just a small fire, covering it with a fire blanket may avoid a fire. A fire.

From a government perspective, there are many methods abroad that we can learn from. The laws of many European and American countries stipulate that children’s clothing must meet certain flame retardant standards, and fire blankets must It is a must-have for families, and the knowledge of personal protection must be regularly publicized to raise public awareness. With mandatory regulations in place, it is even more important to implement them.

In addition, the development of the domestic flame retardant industry not only requires active calls from the industry, but also requires the news media to assist us in strengthening publicity and reporting in this area to improve the public’s awareness of personal protection. .

The domestic market in this area is not yet active, causing the industry to be unable to operate continuously and a virtuous cycle has not yet been formed. Flame-retardant fabricsOnly when they are widely used by the market
will problems be discovered and solved, Enter into a process of continuous improvement and development. For enterprises, they must ensure the stable quality of products, ensure production capacity, and reduce costs from the perspective of formula and production efficiency, in order to support the healthy operation of themselves and the industry.

The orderly development of the industry also requires two combinations of industry, academia and research. On the one hand, it is a horizontal combination within the industry, giving full play to the scientific research advantages of colleges and universities
to work together with enterprises. Develop multi-functional textiles that are flame retardant, anti-static, splash-proof and comfortable to the touch.

Henan Special Textile has 15 years of mature protective fabric production experience and 10 years of European and American sales experience. It specializes in the production of flame retardant fabrics | flame retardant cloth | flame retardant anti-static fabrics | cotton flame retardant fabrics | CVC flame retardant fabrics | cotton nylon flame retardant fabrics | Oil-proof and waterproof fabrics | Acid and alkali resistant fabrics | Anti-static fabrics | Anti-UV fabrics | Manufacturers of functional fabrics such as anti-mosquito fabrics, consultation phone number: E-mail:



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