Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Things about the cost of flame retardant fabrics

Things about the cost of flame retardant fabrics

Things about the cost of flame retardant fabrics Classification: flame retardant fabric The recent increase in cotton prices has directly led to an increase in the cost of the text…

Things about the cost of flame retardant fabrics

flame retardant fabric

The recent increase in cotton prices has directly led to an increase in the cost of the textile industry, which has also prompted an increase in the cost of flame-retardant fabrics. The city has actively made corresponding countermeasures to try to reduce the excessively high costs.

“The big problem is that the current domestic cotton price is too different from the international market price, such as 329 Cotton, sold domestically 19000 one ton, almost the same internationally 1 Ten thousand. After importing value-added tax and customs duties, the difference is still four to five thousand yuan. .”6 Month 7 Early that morning, Wu Guangqin, who had just returned to the office from a routine inspection on the factory floor, told reporters, “How can we compete with India and Pakistan like this? The yarn price it sells now is the price of my cotton.” Wu Guangqin is the deputy chairman of Jiangsu Shayin Group (hereinafter referred to as Shayin), He joined in 1981and has been working in the textile industry for more than 30 years. “The bad situation comes every three It’s normal to come once a year, but this year’s difficulties are greater than any other year.”

Similarly, the rising cost of flame-retardant fabrics is also a big problem. Some companies have moved their offices abroad to take advantage of the low cost of foreign cotton to produce textiles. Flame-retardant fabrics will also take countermeasures to open up the market.



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