Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News With the success of the Textile Expo, Zhejiang’s textile industry has begun to turn a corner

With the success of the Textile Expo, Zhejiang’s textile industry has begun to turn a corner

With the success of the Textile Expo, Zhejiang’s textile industry has begun to turn around Some people say, “Look at China for textiles, and look at Zhejiang for China&…

With the success of the Textile Expo, Zhejiang’s textile industry has begun to turn around

Some people say, “Look at China for textiles, and look at Zhejiang for China’s textiles.” However, since the financial crisis, Zhejiang’s textile industry has experienced a sharp decline in exports, sharp shrinking of profit margins, and some companies have even closed down. However, at the recently held China Keqiao International Textile Accessories Expo, reporters discovered that the China Textile City in Keqiao, Zhejiang, known as the “Asian Cloth Market”, has restored its former gatherings of merchants. After more than half a year of adjustments, It can be said that Zhejiang’s textile industry has experienced a “cloudy to cloudy” change.

Last October, the sudden collapse of Jianglong Group, a large textile enterprise located in Keqiao, Zhejiang, and the flight of its responsible person cast a shadow over Zhejiang’s textile industry. However, the rise against the market trend in China Textile City in the first quarter of this year and the success of the three-day Textile Expo can be regarded as an improvement for Zhejiang’s textile industry.

Sixty-five percent of exhibitors are “repeat customers”

With 17,459 operating households, Keqiao China Textile City is Asia’s largest and most well-known. In the first quarter of this year, its turnover increased 5.1% year-on-year to 15.325 billion yuan (RMB, the same below); at the same time, domestic and foreign dealers also Heli joined China Textile City, adding 1,078 new business households in the first quarter. As for the Textile Expo that opened on May 8, with the expansion of booths, the number of booths increased to 741, and 361 companies participated. 65% of the exhibitors were “repeat customers”, proving that the exhibitors are interested in the industry. The Textile Expo held under the financial crisis is still full of expectations.

Among them, Cheng Minchun, manager of Guangzhou Sihai Weiye Printing Co., Ltd., who has participated in the Keqiao Textile Expo three times, said that the results of each visit to the Textile Expo are better than expected. The products on display at the Keqiao Textile Expo come from all over the world. A trend leading fashion products, it is an opportunity for various fabrics to be unveiled to domestic and foreign customers, understand market information, and show themselves. The person in charge of Shandong Fuxin Fumian Company said: “This year we have upgraded our booth at the Textile Expo from the original standard booth to a special booth, and we look forward to new gains in the new exhibition hall.”

Policy measures are gradually bearing fruit

Exhibitors are also very pleased with the Textile Expo’s arrangement to invite fabric buyers from domestic garment companies. Shi Jianqiang, chairman of Zhejiang Huzhou Yulu Textile Co., Ltd., said: “Inviting mainland buyers to participate in the Textile Expo under the financial crisis can It allows them to directly understand the company’s production and operation conditions, eliminates the intermediate sales link, and allows buyers and companies to achieve a win-win situation.” The person in charge of Zhejiang Fumei Textile said that originally the company’s products were mainly sold to the European and American markets, but after the financial crisis swept through, it gradually shifted its focus Moving to the mainland market, this textile expo is really an excellent platform for enterprises to develop domestic trade.

In recent years, China’s gradually rising wages and gradually reducing preferential policies have caused many foreign textile companies to transfer their factories and companies to developing countries such as India and Vietnam. But Said Nu from Pakistan, who came to Keqiao, Zhejiang in 2001 to set up a textile export company, stressed that “he will not leave.” The reason is that China itself is a big consumer country, and the Chinese market cannot be ignored. Moreover, China’s policy adjustments to the textile industry since last year, including the increase in export tax rebates, have shown that China attaches great importance to the textile industry. Therefore, he believes that the textile industry in China will have a greater impact in the future. Development will get better and better.

Sun Ruizhe, vice president of China Textile Industry Association, said: “Especially under the financial crisis, we must find a good development path for China’s textile industry and set a model for the textile industry.”



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