Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Shaoxing launches textile designer salon to cultivate high-end design talents

Shaoxing launches textile designer salon to cultivate high-end design talents

Shaoxing launches textile designer salon to cultivate high-end design talents In order to cultivate and gather talents of textile fabric designers, improve the quality of the desig…

Shaoxing launches textile designer salon to cultivate high-end design talents

In order to cultivate and gather talents of textile fabric designers, improve the quality of the designer team, and enhance the independent innovation ability of the textile industry, the Shaoxing County Personnel Bureau, together with the Zhejiang Textile Fabric Design Association and Zhejiang Modern Textile Industry Research Institute, established the “Shaoxing Textile Fabric Designer” Salon” and launches today.

“First-class equipment, second-rate products, third-rate prices.” Wu Hanhua, director of the Shaoxing County Personnel Bureau, said in an interview with reporters that state-of-the-art textile equipment can be found in Shaoxing enterprises, but Shaoxing’s textile products are not Not high-end. “Shaoxing’s textile industry lacks technology and design, and the one thing it lacks is fabric design talents.”

Shaoxing County is one of the “top ten counties” in terms of comprehensive economic strength in the country, and it is also a major textile county. There are now nearly 700 textile enterprises above designated size, forming a relatively complete light textile industry chain from front-line PTA to weaving, clothing and home textiles. In 2019, the county produced 5.323 billion meters of various chemical fiber cloths, 15.117 billion meters of printing and dyeing cloths, chemical fiber raw materials, The annual output of fabrics and the annual export volume of chemical fiber fabrics both account for nearly 10% of the country’s total. It is truly the largest textile production base in the country. At the same time, Shaoxing County also has China Textile City, Asia’s largest light textile product distribution center, with a market turnover of 63.453 billion yuan in 2019.

However, severely affected by the international financial crisis since 2019, the textile industry in Shaoxing County has encountered unprecedented difficulties and challenges. Facing development difficulties, textile upgrading is imperative. “When upgrading textiles, fabrics are the most important thing; when upgrading fabrics, talent comes first.” According to Wu Hanhua, for a long time, due to the weak awareness of independent innovation and weak independent research and development capabilities, many textile companies in Shaoxing County have mainly imported and imitated fabric products. Low-end and homogeneous production has caused the products to lack core competitiveness and often remain in the International low to medium grade. Relevant data also show that the total number of employees in my country’s textile and garment industry reaches 19.6 million, accounting for 14% of the number of employees in industrial enterprises above designated size nationwide. However, those engaged in fabric design only account for 1.5% of the total number of employees in the textile and apparel industry, and high-level talents such as creative masters and design elites are even more scarce. Wu Hanhua said, “It is urgent to cultivate textile fabric design talents.”

It is reported that the “Shaoxing Textile Fabric Designer Salon” targets designers in the textile industry in Shaoxing County. It will be guided by mentors, special training, interactive communication, pairing, achievement display, competition evaluation, qualification certification and other carriers and Through this approach, we will attract high-end talents in textile fabric design to build an elite team of textile fabric design, and plan to cultivate about 800 fabric design talents for the county’s textile enterprises within three years.

Professor Yu Yingnan, deputy director of the Shanghai Textile New Product Development Center and consultant to the National Textile Product Development Center, also said in an interview with reporters that there are many factors for the progress of the textile industry, but design is an important part, because design runs through the entire industry forever. Professor Yu Yingnan said, “Through the platform of the salon and the actual implementation, Shaoxing’s textile design talents will be greatly improved, and the upgrading of the textile industry should also be seen.”



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