Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News The mainland’s textile industry shows a pattern of large enterprises accelerating their expansion and small enterprises exiting

The mainland’s textile industry shows a pattern of large enterprises accelerating their expansion and small enterprises exiting

The mainland’s textile industry shows a pattern of large enterprises accelerating their expansion and small enterprises exiting The reporter learned at the 15th China Interna…

The mainland’s textile industry shows a pattern of large enterprises accelerating their expansion and small enterprises exiting

The reporter learned at the 15th China International Textile Fabrics and Accessories (Spring and Summer) Expo held here on the 30th that China’s textile industry has begun to show a development pattern in which large enterprises accelerate their expansion and small enterprises withdraw from competition.

Affected by the financial crisis, some Chinese textile companies are in trouble and have even stopped production and closed down. However, one-third of the textile and garment companies that create profits accounting for 98% of the industry’s profits are still developing well. They rely on capital, scale and anti-risk capabilities achieved a higher growth rate than the industry average. New statistics show that from 2001 to 2008, the market share of the top ten listed textile and apparel companies in China’s top 40 companies increased from 53% to 68%.

According to the organizer China Textile Industry Association, the outstanding feature of this textile expo is that some domestic companies that produce high-tech functional fabrics and fashionable women’s fabrics have increased their booths against the market trend, and they have increased their booths when consumer demand has weakened. , against the backdrop of conventional products facing market pressure, they are confident in the market for textile products with technical content and fashionable features.

At the same time, in order to protect the market and secure orders, some companies in China’s textile industry are now willing to sell products at prices lower than cost. China Textile Expo has always had the mission of guiding the development of the industry. The organizers do not want the emergence of low-price competition trade methods, but vigorously advocate innovation in products, management, and marketing methods, and follow the path of differentiated development.

According to reports, the overseas textile industry is still optimistic about the future development of the Chinese market this year, and the number of overseas exhibitors has increased against the trend.



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