Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News The textile industry must get rid of technological follow-up and innovate to build a textile power

The textile industry must get rid of technological follow-up and innovate to build a textile power

The textile industry must get rid of technological follow-up and innovate to build a textile power The financial crisis that started in the United States continues to deepen, and i…

The textile industry must get rid of technological follow-up and innovate to build a textile power

The financial crisis that started in the United States continues to deepen, and it is still unclear when it will bottom out. Under the impact of the financial crisis, the textile industry has accelerated the process of reshuffling. As my country’s most internationally competitive industry, the textile industry is facing a severe test of how to upgrade.
” Innovation is an important factor for the textile industry to achieve leapfrog development.
Take the long-term technology follow-up route

Since the reform and opening up, my country’s textile technological innovation has achieved phased results, but there is still a large gap compared with the international advanced level, although this gap is gradually narrowing based on measurement standards. , but this seemingly small gap is often the part with high technical content.

Du Yuzhou believes that for a long time, the development of science and technology in my country’s textile industry has mainly followed a technology follow-up route, which is reflected in two aspects: reliance on introduction and reliance on OEM. The so-called import dependence means that my country’s textile industry relies on foreign advanced technology in the manufacturing process, while OEM dependence means that my country’s textile and clothing exports do not have independent intellectual property rights. Especially in the field of textile machinery, the proportion of my country’s original innovation is still very low.

It is understood that many of the textile technologies independently developed in my country currently remain at the international level of the 1990s, and those real scientific research results are still a long way from industrialization. What’s more, a considerable number of companies entered the textile field by “imitation” during the period of rapid expansion of market demand. Even if these free-riding textile companies introduced advanced equipment, they were unable to develop high value-added products because they were not very good at it. Digest imported technology locally.

Du Yuzhou believes that although China’s textile industry can produce textile and apparel products of any type and quality and has become the first choice of international multinational purchasers, the market value gained by China’s textile industry in the transnational industrial chain is only 15%. %~20%. The reason is directly related to the lack of innovation culture and weak innovation capabilities in our country. In other words, my country’s textile industry does not get the value generated by creativity, but only the value generated by manufacturing power.

In addition to the fact that the pace of innovation lags behind the international advanced level, insufficient investment in scientific research is also the main crux that has long plagued innovation in my country’s textile industry. It is understood that the R&D investment of textile enterprises above designated size in my country accounts for less than 1% of sales revenue, while in developed countries, this proportion is 3% to 5%, and some even reach 10%. If the textile industry spends 1% of its annual sales revenue on R&D, the industry’s annual R&D investment will reach 24 billion yuan.

It is worth mentioning that 99.4% of the textile enterprises above designated size in my country are small and medium-sized enterprises. They are the new force of innovation, but their credit guarantee and financing difficulties are very prominent. Obviously, the improvement of the financing environment for small and medium-sized textile enterprises requires strong support from central policies and active cooperation from the financial system and local governments.

Increase the contribution rate of science and technology through integrated innovation

Cutting-edge technology is one of the core competitiveness of developed countries, and mastering the commanding heights of textile technology is undoubtedly the key to the optimization and upgrading of China’s textile industry. Gao Yong, vice president of the China Textile Industry Association, told reporters that in order to promote the progress of textile science and technology, the China Textile and Textile Association specially formulated the “Textile Industry Science and Technology Development Outline” and proposed that my country’s textile industry will focus on the development of 38 key technologies; in 2019, it also reviewed the “Outline” The key technology projects in the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” textile industry have been refined, decomposed, adjusted and revised, and a guide for scientific and technological research and industrialization projects in the textile industry during the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” has been launched. According to reports, the “Outline” has become a programmatic document that must be referenced when formulating industry-related science and technology plans. At present, some key technologies have achieved breakthrough results.

Ji Guobiao, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, emphasized that China’s textile industry should pay special attention to the cultivation of integrated innovation capabilities, how to improve the innovation model with enterprises as the main body and the combination of industry, academia and research, so as to achieve the best allocation of resources and maximize benefits. It is the current focus of my country’s textile industry to promote technological innovation. To this end, textile enterprises must continue to increase investment in science and technology, actively promote the industrialization of scientific research results, and strive to form a community of interests for the upstream and downstream of the textile industry chain.

According to the development stage of my country’s textile technology, building an innovation platform is undoubtedly an effective way to promote integrated innovation. It is understood that since the establishment of the first industrial innovation platform in Foshan, Guangdong in 2003, the China Textile Association has built about 30 unique innovation platforms in different domestic textile industry clusters. At the same time, the textile industry has also successively built two integrated innovation and R&D platforms, one is the China Textile and Apparel Information Business Center in Hangzhou, and the other is the China Fashion Fabric Engineering Shanghai R&D Base in Songjiang, Shanghai.

Faced with the severe test of the financial crisis, Du Yuzhou said frankly that the core values ​​of China’s textile industry in 2019 are the spirit of the times with innovation as the core. To this end, my country’s textile industry currently has three main tasks: First, truly implement innovation into team building, strictly implementThe output value of new products accounts for an average of 47.85% of the total industrial output value, and the average profit margin of new products exceeds 35%. What these companies have in common is that they perform particularly well in the development and application of fiber materials, the development of high-quality, functional, ecological and high value-added products, the integrated innovation of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and the construction of public service platforms.

For textile companies in the whirlpool of the financial turmoil, vigorously promoting technological innovation will not only allow more companies to see hope in the financial winter and increase the confidence and courage to overcome the severe cold, but will also have a positive impact on China The sustainable development of the textile and apparel industry has a profound impact.

Obviously, how to aggregate industry scientific and technological resources and promote the sustainable development of the industry has become a top priority. As Bi Guodian, executive vice president of the China Textile Engineering Society, said, without the continuous innovation of China’s textile and apparel technology, there would be no glory for China’s textile and apparel industry today; and continuing to accelerate technological innovation will surely create glory in the next 30 years.

Related reports: 18 textile innovation pilot companies enjoy “privileges”

In order to further implement the technological innovation guidance project, in 2019, the China Textile Industry Association carried out the identification and pilot work of technological innovation enterprises in the entire industry.

It is understood that 18 companies including Shandong Lutai Textile Co., Ltd., Anhui Huamao Textile Co., Ltd., and Zibo Lanyan Group Co., Ltd. have been recognized as the first batch of textile technology innovation demonstration enterprises.

It is reported that textile enterprises that have obtained this certification will enjoy a number of “privileges”, including priority guidance when applying for various national science and technology plans and new product plans, and priority access to relevant policies and information provided by the association. , technology, management, training and standards and other guidance and services, as well as being given priority to be cultivated in the process of building the industry’s scientific and technological innovation system.

According to the “Measures for the Recognition of Textile Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprises”, textile technology innovation demonstration enterprises must meet the following conditions: have a stable scientific research team, relatively complete scientific research facilities, and annual scientific and technological investment accounting for 50% of annual sales. The proportion shall not be less than 3%; it has established production and scientific research bases in China and has considerable production and operation scale; it has established technology development centers, engineering centers or national key laboratories at or above the provincial or ministerial level, and has won scientific and technological awards at or above the provincial or ministerial level within five years. 1 second prize.

Related links: Textile industry cutting-edge technology representatives

China Academy of Textile Sciences

Domestic NMMO solvent method cellulose fiber engineering technology: 41 national patents have been applied for, and its industrialization demonstration project will be completed in 2019, which will make the fiber fineness reach 1.67~3.33dtex and the strength not less than 3.8 cN/dtex.

Composite conductive fiber: A pilot production line for conductive composite fiber with an annual output of 100 tons has been built, which can replace similar imported products; and research on the performance and application of carbon black conductive filaments in clothing fabrics has been completed, and won the China Textile Industry Association’s 2019 Technological Progress First Prize.

High-performance polyethylene fiber dry spinning complete set of technology: The only dry spinning technology in China, the industrialized device is under construction in Yizheng Chemical Fiber, and the fiber performance it produces has reached the international advanced level.

Shandong Ruyi Group

High-efficiency short-process embedded composite spinning technology: This technology was developed by Ruyi Group, Wuhan University of Science and Technology and Northwest Engineering University. It is a revolutionary breakthrough in traditional spinning technology and has reached the international level. Its promotion and application provide a more flexible innovation path for the optimized combination of different raw materials and diversified spinning of colors and varieties, and will play a huge role in promoting the structural adjustment and product upgrading of China’s textile industry.

During the industrialization process, this technology created records for spinnable counts such as 500 British count for cotton spinning and 500 metric count for wool spinning. At the same time, it has achieved a breakthrough in the application range of traditional textile raw materials, developed high-quality products from original textile scraps, and made yarn, fabrics and clothing products from hard-to-use materials such as down and kapok fibers, realizing the optimization of raw materials. and take full advantage. (China Industry News)



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