Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News How does anti-UV fabric reduce the damage of ultraviolet rays to the human body?

How does anti-UV fabric reduce the damage of ultraviolet rays to the human body?

How does anti-UV fabric reduce the damage of ultraviolet rays to the human body? Tag: UV-resistant fabric UV-resistant fabric UV-resistant fabric functional fabric Therefore, it is…

How does anti-UV fabric reduce the damage of ultraviolet rays to the human body?


UV-resistant fabric UV-resistant fabric UV-resistant fabric functional fabric

Therefore, it is best to first confirm that the lenses can effectively block more than 99% of ultraviolet rays (including ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B), and at the same time have polarizing properties to eliminate glare (glare refers to the strong light reflected from certain angles to the eyes. Making people unable to see clearly temporarily), polarized spectacle lenses have the theory of polarization angle. In order to meet these strict optical requirements, some responsible manufacturers often have to invest huge sums of money, personnel and equipment in design and production. In the same principle, as a manufacturer of UV-resistant fabrics, functional fabrics and special textiles have strengthened product inspections and resolutely resisted the listing of unqualified products. The damage of ultraviolet rays to the human body is cumulative, which means that the longer you are exposed to the sun, the greater the damage caused by ultraviolet rays. There is a statistical report in the United States that shows that 80% of the ultraviolet rays a person is exposed to during his or her lifetime is accumulated from exposure to sunlight before the age of 18. Therefore, to avoid the damage of ultraviolet rays, one must start from childhood. Functional fabrics The UV-resistant fabrics produced by specialty textiles are usually used in the production of casual wear, jackets, hats, sportswear, umbrellas, tents and other outdoor facilities.



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