Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News When purchasing flame retardant fabrics, you should choose professional manufacturers

When purchasing flame retardant fabrics, you should choose professional manufacturers

When purchasing flame retardant fabrics, you must choose professional manufacturers Tag: Flame retardant fabric, flame retardant fabric, textile flame retardant standard functional…

When purchasing flame retardant fabrics, you must choose professional manufacturers


Flame retardant fabric, flame retardant fabric, textile flame retardant standard functional fabric

Usually when people think of flame-retardant fabrics, they first think of fabrics that cannot catch fire, but this is actually incorrect. Flame-retardant fabrics/cloths do not catch fire, they just extinguish immediately after leaving the flame, and there are corresponding flame retardants. Fire standards, such as EN11611, EN511612, NFPA2112, NFPA70E, etc. Purchasing flame-retardant fabrics is a matter that requires certain skills. How to purchase high-quality flame-retardant fabrics, of course, you must choose a professional flame-retardant fabric manufacturer.
The selection of flame retardant fabrics requires some professional knowledge. If you are not a professional, please consult professional manufacturers and companies with export experience. Flame-retardant fabrics are different from ordinary textiles. Their special properties cannot be identified with the naked eye and require professional personnel and professional testing institutions to inspect them. If the customer does not have a professional inspection agency, you can ask the supplier to provide relevant testing certifications and certificates for flame-retardant fabrics. This can basically guarantee whether the flame-retardant fabrics you purchase are qualified flame-retardant fabrics. If manufacturers of flame-retardant fabrics have professional testing rooms that can detect the flame-retardant properties of flame-retardant fabrics, they can accurately control the performance of their products and better produce qualified and high-quality flame-retardant fabrics. Purchasers of flame-retardant fabrics must choose professional manufacturers, and manufacturers with professional flame-retardant testing rooms should be given priority.
City Textile focuses on the production and research and development of functional fabrics, ensuring the quality control of existing products and developing new products to expand the market. Textile is market-oriented, with sales as the leader, products as the fist, and quality as the guarantee. In addition to factory self-inspection, each batch of goods undergoes laboratory testing to ensure the production quality of each batch of goods. Our textiles choose higher quality yarns for spinning and weaving. The quality of the products is guaranteed from the raw materials, and environmentally friendly dyes are used to the maximum extent to meet the green and environmentally friendly needs of customers. There is a complete quality control system for dyeing and flame retardant production to ensure the production of higher quality products. Textile has sound and newer testing equipment to ensure the production quality of each batch of goods, and is responsible for customers and safety. ​



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