Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News The revitalization of the textile industry needs to start from the entire industrial chain.

The revitalization of the textile industry needs to start from the entire industrial chain.

The revitalization of the textile industry needs to start from the entire industrial chain For the three major exhibitions covering all aspects of the textile and apparel industry …

The revitalization of the textile industry needs to start from the entire industrial chain

For the three major exhibitions covering all aspects of the textile and apparel industry chain from fiber yarns, fabric accessories to clothing and apparel, the organizer, the China Textile and Apparel Industry Association, plays the role of a joint fleet of various professional associations, from exhibition and investment promotion to layout planning. and exhibition services and other aspects, and strive to promote linkage between the upstream and downstream links of the industrial chain. Authoritative figures in the industry pointed out that in the context of the sluggish economic situation, using innovative ideas to expand the traditional functions of exhibitions is a reflection of industry associations’ professional advantages and service functions.

The fierce financial tsunami has also caused the general shrinkage of textile and clothing professional exhibitions. Can the three major exhibitions in China’s textile industry break the ice? The linkage of exhibitions has given industries and enterprises hope. Statistics show that the participation scale of the three major exhibitions can maintain the level of the previous edition, and overseas exhibitors have grown against the trend. Among them, the number of overseas exhibitors at the Fabrics Exhibition increased by nearly 7%, and more overseas merchants gathered in the exhibition hall to watch the exhibition.

Only by integrating social and industry resources and giving the three major exhibitions a trading platform to open up domestic and foreign markets can the link between the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain and the allocation of domestic and foreign industrial resources be revealed. The linkage of the three exhibitions in this exhibition has given the three major exhibitions new connotations in an all-round way by displaying industry technological products and innovative thinking.

Some people say that the country’s various measures to stimulate domestic demand and the introduction of the “Textile Industry Adjustment and Revitalization Plan” have highlighted the opportunities and potential of the Chinese market. The Textile Industry Association will link the three most authoritative exhibitions in the industry in a timely manner and will quickly build an optimal bridge for resource allocation in domestic and foreign markets.

From this point of view, focusing on the overall idea of ​​”deepening the linkage of the industrial chain and guiding technological innovation of enterprises”, the China Textile and Apparel Industry Association is constantly adjusting its exhibition concept and striving to transform the three major exhibitions through innovation and change in exhibition services. Give it more professional and cultural connotations and realize the transformation from a single exhibition platform to a diversified value platform.



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