Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News How do Humen textile and garment enterprises seize the market?

How do Humen textile and garment enterprises seize the market?

How do Humen textile and garment companies seize the market Under the unfavorable situation of the financial crisis, how to improve product quality, seize the market, and achieve t…

How do Humen textile and garment companies seize the market

Under the unfavorable situation of the financial crisis, how to improve product quality, seize the market, and achieve transformation and upgrading is a topic of great concern to enterprises. The Humen Garment and Apparel Industry Association held a new textile and apparel training class in 2009 at the Humen Garment Innovation Technology Center to help apparel companies better grasp national standards and develop domestic sales markets. Clothing is a pillar industry in Humen. The main purpose of holding training courses is to allow more clothing companies to understand and master national industry standards and become familiar with their application. Master Li Jianhua from the Provincial Garment Quality Product Supervision and Monitoring Station gave an in-depth and detailed explanation to the participants on the newly released national standards of the People’s Republic of China for cotton clothing, textiles, maintenance label specifications, symbol law, shirts and other specific standards.

Representatives of clothing brands who participated in the training class said that being proficient in the application of new national standards and strictly controlling product quality are of great significance to making enterprises bigger and stronger and promoting industrial upgrading.

Master Li Jianhua of the Provincial Garment Quality Product Supervision and Monitoring Station: It is helpful for enterprises to follow new standards when controlling product quality to prevent products from being unqualified after entering the market. At this time (under the influence of the financial crisis) it is even more necessary to improve To improve the competitiveness of a company’s own products, it is necessary to first understand new things in the industry. Only products can meet the requirements of the market and consumers.

Jordan, head of Diao brand in the United States: If you want to export products to European countries, it is very important to understand the textile and clothing standards, because exports, especially in European countries, have very high requirements for some textile and clothing fabrics, so the standards is very important.

Xiong Wenting of Haoheng Clothing Company: We must satisfy customers and let them feel confident and comfortable in their clothes. This will allow us to better understand standards, which play a big role in our production. We will be more focused on this aspect in the future. Pay attention to.



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