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How to identify the quality of tarpaulin

How to identify the quality of tarpaulin When we choose tarpaulin products, the quality of the tarpaulin is what we should be concerned about, so it is very important to master the…

How to identify the quality of tarpaulin

When we choose tarpaulin products, the quality of the tarpaulin is what we should be concerned about, so it is very important to master the key to identifying the quality of tarpaulins.

The method to judge the quality of tarpaulin is as follows:

1. Price of tarpaulin: Although there is no decisive connection between the quality and price of this type of product, quality often accounts for a certain proportion in the product price. Generally speaking, if the price is higher for the same area, the quality of the product is better.

2 Inspection: The important feature of tarpaulin is waterproof, so we can try to pour a small amount of water on the surface of the product. If the water does not penetrate deep into the tarpaulin, then the product will The quality is relatively excellent.

3. Density of tarpaulin: The density of tarpaulin must be one of the important factors. The way to identify products is very simple, that is, check the longitude and latitude of the product. The denser the latitude and longitude, the better the quality of the product. Secondly, we also need to pay attention to the roughness of the product surface. During the selection process, we can feel the roughness and softness of the product with our hands to identify the quality of the tarpaulin.

(Part of the above content comes from the Internet )


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