Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Characteristics that marine canvas should have

Characteristics that marine canvas should have

Characteristics that marine canvas should have Cargo ships are a very important means of transportation. Sometimes land transportation cannot carry too much cargo or due to other r…

Characteristics that marine canvas should have

Cargo ships are a very important means of transportation. Sometimes land transportation cannot carry too much cargo or due to other reasons Factors, we often choose sea transportation and use cargo ships to transport some goods. We know that the weather at sea is changeable. Ten minutes ago it might have been sunny, cloudless and very good. In ten minutes, there may be strong winds and heavy rain, lightning and thunder. Therefore, the degree of protection of cargo on cargo ships must be very high, higher than on land. Covering with canvas is a common method. Marine canvas should be wear-resistant and highly waterproof. , corrosion resistance, simple operation, soft texture, tear resistance and other characteristics to adapt to the environment at sea or rivers. Generally, traditional canvas does not have these characteristics. Most traditional canvas has average waterproof performance, is hard, heavy, has a short service life, and is not wear-resistant. Such canvas is not suitable for use on ships.

A product sold by our company: PVC plastic-coated cloth, which is a new product and the material is PVC. Its material is an amorphous material. Stabilizers, lubricants, auxiliary processing agents, colorants, impact agents and other additives are often added to PVC materials in actual use. It has non-flammability, high strength, resistance to climate changes and excellent geometric stability. PVC is highly resistant to oxidants, reducing agents and strong acids. PVC plastic-coated cloth made of PVC materials also has these characteristics. PVC plastic-coated cloth has excellent mildew resistance, 100% waterproof, good low-temperature flexibility, high strength, strong tensile strength, relatively light, easy to operate, etc. Features; Very versatile. It can be used not only on ships, but also in foreign trade, grain depots, oil fields, docks, tents, drilling tower jackets, railway and road transportation, warehousing, coal mines, and open-air cargo yards. All have very good waterproof and protective effects.

(Part of the content comes from the Internet)





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