Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Features that a high-quality tarpaulin should have

Features that a high-quality tarpaulin should have

Features that a high-quality tarpaulin should have The performance of tarpaulin has been continuously developed because of the continuous advancement of modern production technolog…

Features that a high-quality tarpaulin should have

The performance of tarpaulin has been continuously developed because of the continuous advancement of modern production technology and the improvement of traditional tarpaulins. On the basis of producing higher-quality tarpaulins, what characteristics should high-quality tarpaulins have? So what is considered a high-quality tarpaulin?
a. Currently, relatively high-quality tarpaulins are made of propylene as the main raw material , the performance is greatly improved, and it is also widely used in building outdoor tents, carports, etc. in daily life.

b. It has stronger puncture resistance, corrosion resistance, anti-aging performance and long service life.
c, and can be recycled, completely green and environmentally friendly.
d, on the basis of good waterproof effect, it also has good heat absorption function. It can be covered whether it rains or shines. If you feel that the sun is shining directly into your eyes when standing under a tarp, it means that the sunshade and rain protection are not effective.

e. High-quality tarpaulins have high latitude and longitude density, high toughness, smooth and soft appearance, and are comfortable to touch. Touch.
f. The more water it can withstand per square centimeter, of course, the better the quality.

(Part of the above content comes from the Internet)


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