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What colors are available for sofa fabrics? Sofa fabric prices

What colors are available for sofa fabrics? Sofa fabric prices What colors are available for sofa fabrics? Regarding the price of sofa sofas, everyone should make a specific budget…

What colors are available for sofa fabrics? Sofa fabric prices

What colors are available for sofa fabrics? Regarding the price of sofa sofas, everyone should make a specific budget before decorating, and the same is true for purchasing sofa sofas. According to the editor’s statistics, based on the current general market price, the price of high-end sofa cloths is more than 10,000 yuan. Most of these sofa cloths are imported fabrics with high elasticity, and some of them have the function of automatically adjusting the height; mid-range sofa cloths The price of sofa cloth is about 5,000 to 8,000 yuan, and they are mostly made of imported and domestically produced fabrics. The price of low-end sofa cloth is less than 3,000 yuan. This kind of material is relatively ordinary, and the texture is also relatively ordinary. Everyone can make a choice based on their own use and budget.

Sofa cloth color

First of all, the color of the sofa cloth should be consistent with the owner’s personality. If the owner is an outgoing person who is passionate about life, then he should choose a bright color, such as red and yellow, which represents unlimited passion and motivation. Then we have to change the decoration of the floor and curtains, and if possible, even the color of the walls. Change their colors to be different from the bright colors of the sofa, forming a huge contrast and highlighting the enthusiasm.

sofa cloth sofa cloth price sofa cloth color


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