Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Pakistani textile factory owners call on government to restrict cotton yarn exports

Pakistani textile factory owners call on government to restrict cotton yarn exports

Pakistani textile factory owners call on the government to restrict cotton yarn exports According to Pakistan’s “Dawn” report, as India announced a ban on cotton …

Pakistani textile factory owners call on the government to restrict cotton yarn exports

According to Pakistan’s “Dawn” report, as India announced a ban on cotton exports, Pakistani textile factory owners recently called on the government to immediately introduce policies to restrict the export of cotton and veils to ensure the supply of raw materials for the domestic cotton spinning industry.

Pakistani textile factory owners are worried that India’s cotton export ban may cause a shortage of raw cotton in the international market and trigger a sharp rise in prices. If Pakistan does not impose restrictions on the export of cotton and cotton yarn, domestic textile mills may be in trouble due to shortage of raw materials.

The Chairman of the Pakistan Apparel Forum (PAF) said that in order to protect its textile industry, India, the world’s second largest cotton producer, immediately announced a ban on cotton exports after reaching its export target. India’s cotton output this season reached 34.5 million bales, with a surplus output of 10 million bales available for export, and actual exports have exceeded 8.5 million bales.


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