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Caprolactam anti-dumping has limited impact on the industry

Caprolactam anti-dumping has limited impact on the industry In January 2012, the third month after the final anti-dumping ruling on caprolactam, my country imported 64,900 tons of …

Caprolactam anti-dumping has limited impact on the industry

In January 2012, the third month after the final anti-dumping ruling on caprolactam, my country imported 64,900 tons of caprolactam, a decrease of 4,300 tons from the previous month and an increase of 11,000 tons from the same period last year.

Experts believe: “The anti-dumping measures only target caprolactam imported from the EU and the United States, and the tax rate is low, which will have little impact on the overall import of caprolactam.”

Data shows that among the caprolactam imported into my country, imports from Russia and Japan have grown rapidly. In 2009, my country imported 116,000 tons of caprolactam from Russia and 36,000 tons from Japan, accounting for 19.21% and 10.36% of the total imports respectively; in 2010, the imports of caprolactam from Russia and Japan increased to 129,000 tons and 95,000 tons. , accounting for 19.46% and 15.04% of the total import volume; from January to October 2011, caprolactam imported from these two countries accounted for 21.33% and 16.67% of the total import volume respectively.

From June 2003 to June 2008, my country levied anti-dumping duties of 5% to 28% on caprolactam imported from Japan, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and Russia.

On April 23, 2010, the Ministry of Commerce launched an anti-dumping investigation into imported caprolactam originating in the EU and the United States. On January 24, 2011, the Ministry of Commerce issued a preliminary ruling announcement, clarifying that during the investigation period, imported caprolactam originating from the EU and the United States had been dumped, and my country’s caprolactam industry had been substantially damaged. There was a causal relationship between dumping and substantial damage. , so a margin of 4.3%~25.5% is levied.

On October 18, 2011, the Ministry of Commerce issued a final announcement. Starting from October 22, 2011, an anti-dumping duty of 2.2% to 25.5% will be levied on imported caprolactam originating in the EU and the United States for a period of 5 years. .

“The anti-dumping tax rate in the final ruling is significantly lower than the deposit rate in the initial ruling, which reflects that the Ministry of Commerce has considered the development requirements of the domestic caprolactam industry and nylon 6 industry chain.” Experts said. Caprolactam is mainly used to produce nylon 6 chips, and is further used to make nylon 6 fiber and nylon 6 engineering plastics. It is widely used in wool spinning, knitting, weaving, fishery, tires, engineering plastics, films, composite materials and other fields.

In recent years, my country’s nylon 6 fiber and nylon 6 engineering plastics have developed rapidly. my country’s caprolactam production increased from 302,000 tons in 2007 to 488,000 tons in 2010, an increase of more than 50%, but it still cannot meet the needs of domestic downstream industries. demand still requires a large amount of imports.

The 200,000 tons/year caprolactam unit of the joint venture between Baling Petrochemical and Hengyi will be put into operation in 2012; the construction of the 100,000 tons/year expansion unit of Baling Petrochemical has also started, and two new units are planned to be built in Guangdong and Fujian. , and expand production of its device in Yueyang. These projects all adopt the cyclohexanone ammoximation method with independent intellectual property rights of Sinopec. It is expected that by 2015, Baling Petrochemical’s caprolactam production capacity will reach 1 million tons. In addition, the new project of Nanjing DSM’s 200,000 tons/year caprolactam unit has also started and is expected to be put into operation in 2013.

The companies building the above new projects all have advanced technology and many years of production experience. Once these projects are put into production, they will effectively supplement the domestic caprolactam gap.

Generally speaking, this anti-dumping measure has little impact on the overall import of domestic caprolactam, but it also puts forward new requirements for the development of my country’s caprolactam and related industries. Having advanced production technology is the fundamental driving force for the development of the industry. Enterprises should increase investment in scientific research, optimize the industrial structure, and increase the added value of products. Only in this way can my country’s caprolactam-nylon product chain maintain a good position while developing rapidly. Market Competitiveness.


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