Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Vietnam’s textile exports exceeded US$100 million for the first time

Vietnam’s textile exports exceeded US$100 million for the first time

Vietnam’s textile exports exceeded US$100 million for the first time According to Vietnamese customs statistics, from January to February this year, Vietnam’s textile e…

Vietnam’s textile exports exceeded US$100 million for the first time

According to Vietnamese customs statistics, from January to February this year, Vietnam’s textile exports reached US$2.08 billion, an increase of 20.1% compared with the same period last year, accounting for 13.5% of Vietnam’s total exports during that period.

In the first two months of this year, the United States was the main exporter of Vietnamese textiles, with exports reaching US$1.07 billion, an increase of 15.57% over the same period last year, accounting for 51.7% of Vietnam’s total textile exports; Japan is Vietnam’s second largest export destination China’s export volume reached US$260 million, an increase of 32.92% compared with the same period last year.

It is worth mentioning that South Korea is becoming a potential market for Vietnam’s textile exports. From January to February, Vietnam’s textile exports to South Korea reached US$170 million, an increase of 55.12% over the same period last year.


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