Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Most Vietnamese textile companies have insufficient export orders in the third quarter

Most Vietnamese textile companies have insufficient export orders in the third quarter

Most textile companies in Vietnam have insufficient export orders in the third quarter Recently, due to the decrease in orders from major European and American import markets, most…

Most textile companies in Vietnam have insufficient export orders in the third quarter

Recently, due to the decrease in orders from major European and American import markets, most export-oriented textile companies in Vietnam are facing the problem of insufficient orders in the third quarter of 2012. Pham Xuan Hong, vice chairman of the Vietnam Textile Association, pointed out that except for some large manufacturing companies that can guarantee sufficient orders in the third quarter, most small and medium-sized enterprises can only maintain orders until the end of June.

In April this year, signs of reduced orders have already appeared in some Vietnamese textile companies, and due to rising production costs, companies are now finding it difficult to maintain production and ensure worker employment.


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