Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Shaoxing’s mid- to low-end textile orders shift to Southeast Asian countries

Shaoxing’s mid- to low-end textile orders shift to Southeast Asian countries

Shaoxing’s mid- to low-end textile orders shift to Southeast Asian countries This year, affected by the European debt crisis and the still-to-be-tested U.S. economic recovery…

Shaoxing’s mid- to low-end textile orders shift to Southeast Asian countries

This year, affected by the European debt crisis and the still-to-be-tested U.S. economic recovery, the exports of the textile and apparel industry have encountered greater difficulties. At present, the decline in sales is still relatively obvious. Reporters recently learned from the Shaoxing Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau that Shaoxing’s clothing exports declined significantly from January to April this year. Among them, the city’s textile companies’ orders from the United States have turned from a previous decline to stable, but exports to Europe still face severe pressure. . According to statistics, from January to April, Shaoxing exported 48.83 million batches, 66.07 million pieces, and US$167.69 million of clothing to the EU, a year-on-year decrease of 17.82%, 35.02%, and 38.18% respectively.

EU consumer demand continues to be weak
According to industry insiders, the main reason for such a sharp decline is the weak demand in the European market. While the order volume is declining, it is increasingly difficult for companies to receive orders, negotiate prices, place orders, and prevent risks.
Affected by the sovereign debt crisis, consumer demand in the EU market is seriously insufficient. Even if emerging economies have increased demand for my country’s textile and apparel, it is not enough to offset the negative impact on the EU market, directly leading to a decline in our city’s textile and apparel exports. At the same time, since last year, international trade protectionism has continued to heat up. The technical trade measures of Shaoxing’s three major trading partners for textile and clothing exports, the European Union, the United States, and Japan, have evolved from setting limits on the performance and quality of the products themselves to restricting product production and packaging. , labeling, processing and transportation, etc., which has greatly raised the export threshold of textile and apparel products.

Medium and low orders shift to Southeast Asian countries
“It is said that the appreciation of the RMB is a good thing, but it is not necessarily a good thing for our textile companies.” Yesterday, Manager Wang of Shaoxing Yuexing Textile told reporters that starting from the beginning of this year, a German customer of their company transferred all orders to Vietnam For a textile company, this caused the company to suddenly reduce its export volume by 30%, which was a huge blow. “The textile industry is also one of Vietnam’s major industries, and Vietnamese textiles account for about 20% of its total exports. Since last year, the Vietnamese currency (Vietnamese Dong) has depreciated relatively sharply, making Vietnam’s textile exports cheaper, which has attracted some international purchases. Businessmen will transfer more mid- to low-end clothing orders to Vietnam, which will have a certain impact on our city’s mid-to-low-end textile exports.”
In addition to Vietnamese dong, currencies such as Indian rupee, Brazilian real and Russian ruble, as well as Korean won, Indonesian rupiah, Thai baht and Malaysian ringgit have also experienced significant depreciation against the US dollar, weakening the price advantage of my country’s textile and apparel in the international market. , further suppressing my country’s textile and clothing exports.
However, while there are risks, there are also business opportunities. “We are preparing to set up a factory in Vietnam and are looking for reputable partners.” The person in charge of a textile company in Keqiao told reporters that one reason is that Vietnam has a large labor market, low wages, and the depreciation of the Vietnamese dong means that the establishment The cost of the factory is further reduced. Compared with some other countries, Vietnam has a relatively stable political situation, good public security, and relatively loose foreign investment policies.

Various ways to improve risk resistance
Faced with severe pressure on exports to Europe, how should our city’s textile companies respond? The relevant person in charge of the Shaoxing Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau told reporters that “globalization” is accelerating to expand the share of export sales. In the face of the severe situation, many companies have With sufficient internal strength, with the help of the government, exports have gradually shifted from European and American markets to Asian, African, and Latin American markets, consolidated market share in ASEAN, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, South Africa, etc., and expanded emerging international markets such as Russia and Kazakhstan to improve Risk resistance ability. For example, China Textile City has also launched a series of docking activities “all over the world”, which has brought continuous customer resources to the market.
At the same time, in the face of a difficult international situation, the commercial value of intangible assets such as brands has become increasingly apparent. The reporter learned from China Textile City that since the beginning of this year, more than 1,000 pattern copyrights have been registered in the market, 80% of textile trading companies have carried out pattern R&D and design, and a considerable number of key enterprises have R&D and design products accounting for more than 70% of the total annual sales. . Mr. Sun from Hansha Textile Design and R&D Company in Shaoxing County told reporters that competition in textile transactions is fierce, and how to save costs and improve trade efficiency has become a breakthrough. Therefore, since this year, many fabric companies have increased the research and development of creative fabrics and paid more attention to the added value of products, which is very beneficial to the development of enterprises both now and in the long run.


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