Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News The climate in Yarkand County in July had a slight impact on the growth of cotton flower bolls

The climate in Yarkand County in July had a slight impact on the growth of cotton flower bolls

The climate in Yarkand County in July had a slight impact on the growth of cotton flower bolls Monthly climate overview: The average temperature in Shache County in July was 1.8°C …

The climate in Yarkand County in July had a slight impact on the growth of cotton flower bolls

Monthly climate overview: The average temperature in Shache County in July was 1.8°C higher than in previous years; the precipitation was 1.4mm less than in previous years, and the sunshine hours were 4.9 hours more than in previous years; sustained high temperatures and localized conditions occurred during the month Heavy rainfall and other weather processes.

Agricultural impact assessment: The climate conditions in July are more favorable for the growth of summer corn. Heavy rainfall and continuous high temperature weather in some periods have a slight impact on the growth of cotton flowers and bolls, and are detrimental to the growth of some special forest fruits.

Specifically speaking, cotton is in the flowering and boll growth stage in July. The number of peaches before falling this year at the measuring point is 2.8/plant, 1.8/plant in high-yield fields, and 0.7/plant in low-yield fields; Rainfall and sustained high temperature weather have a slight impact on the growth of cotton flower bolls.



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