Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News The first World Fashion Technology Conference and 2021 China Fashion Technology Conference were held in Linping, Hangzhou

The first World Fashion Technology Conference and 2021 China Fashion Technology Conference were held in Linping, Hangzhou

The first World Fashion Technology Conference and 2021 China Fashion Technology Conference were held in Linping, Hangzhou At present, the new generation of digital technology is ch…

The first World Fashion Technology Conference and 2021 China Fashion Technology Conference were held in Linping, Hangzhou

At present, the new generation of digital technology is changing with each passing day. Informatization, networking, digitalization, intelligentization are intertwined and evolving, and the Internet, the Internet of Things, the Digital Internet, and the Intelligent Internet are intertwined and evolving. With iterative development, the world is accelerating into a new era of digital economy characterized by “Internet of Everything and Ubiquitous Intelligence”.

Co-sponsored by the China Textile Industry Federation, China Garment Association, Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Association, Hangzhou Linping District People’s Government, and Hangzhou Linping New City Development and Construction Management Committee The World Fashion Technology Conference and the 2021 China Clothing Technology Conference, jointly organized by China ClothingIntelligent Manufacturing Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance and other units, were recently held in Linping District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province.

The conference aims to connect the global fashion industry, exchange experience in technology application, showcase high-tech achievements, and deeply discuss the future of digital and technological development of the fashion industry, promote iterative upgrading of the global fashion industry, and enhance the voice of Chinese fashion in the world.

Fashion technology promotes high quality development

As a high degree of condensation of material creation and cultural power, the fashion industry should have strong penetration, broad radiation and strong appeal, becoming a key component of the modern industrial system and a key component in promoting high-quality development, An important engine for creating high-quality life. Sun Ruizhe, President of the China Textile and Apparel Federation, said in his speech that from a global perspective, the fashion industry with the clothing industry as the core currently has three major development trends: Global fashion is becomingtechnological innovationIntensive fashion; global fashion is becoming fashion supported by multiculturalism; global fashion is becoming responsible and sustainable fashion. In the next step of development, if my country’s textile industry wants to take the lead and gain the initiative in the development trend of global fashion, it needs to be supported by fashion technology and systematically promote high-quality development.

Sun Ruizhe made three suggestions for this. The first is to build a high-quality fashion supply system. Accelerate the formation of innovation-driven and data-driven products, form a flexible supply system, and improve product supply. Use material innovation, process innovation, and design innovation to better match the diversified and flexible needs of the market. The second is to cultivate a high-quality fashion consumer market. The industry must make use of existing technical forces and use all social resources to promote the integration and transformation of traditional national culture, modern trend culture and other resources and industrial values, so that they can be systematically presented in colors, patterns, fabrics, and styles. The third is to create a sustainable industrial value platform. The China National Textile and Apparel Council will promote the “Fashion Industry Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Acceleration Plan”, which will select 30 leading domestic fashion consumer brands and 60 leading manufacturing brands, as well as a group of outstandingIndustrial clusters, jointly carry out carbon neutral acceleration actions, conduct pioneering demonstrations, and accelerate the establishment of a green, low-carbon, and circular fashion industry system.

Linping New Town has a good fashion industry foundation and is also the main production base of Hangzhou-style women’s clothing and home textiles. Linping New City is close to eight major industrial bases, including Haining Leather, Tongxiang Sweater, and Keqiao Textile. The unique industrial chain foundation makes the fashion foundation here more solid. There are not only a number of innovative carriers such as Yishang Town and China Fashion Science and Technology Innovation Research Institute, but also a number of industry leading companies such as Evely, Yingshe, and Dede Technology. Empowered by the digital economy, since its development and construction in 2015, Yishang Town has completed a total investment of 13.3 billion yuan, achieved tax revenue of 3.4 billion yuan, and gathered 30 well-known domestic and foreign designers and 917 fashion industry companies, making it a digital fashion The successful implementation of the (clothing) industry brain has laid a solid foundation.

At this conference, the “Linping·Digital Fashion (Clothing) Industry Brain” was officially released. This “industrial brain” is led by the China Fashion Science and Technology Innovation Research Institute as the leading operating unit, with the Zhejiang Branch of the China Industrial Internet Research Institute as the technical construction unit, and with the trinity of excellent platform service providers such as Dede Technology and Alibaba Cloud SupET to build digital fashion (clothing) The industrial brain gathers data from the entire clothing industry chain and uses new generation information technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence to achieve two-way integration of the industrial chain and innovation chain, creating a trade and technology transaction service platform that radiates across the country and links the world.

It is understood that the “Industry Brain”, as a service platform linking trade and technology transactions, consists of “one brain, two platforms, and three centers”. Through the coordination of the digital fashion (clothing) industry brain, it uses an order trading platform to realize traditional clothing Transactions, realizing innovative transactions with a full-link digital asset platform for the apparel industry, realizing closed-loop management of the industrial chain through efficient collaboration among the three major centers of design center, production capacity center and service center, and realizing through the “procurement, calculation, management and use” system Comprehensive monitoring of apparel industry elements, intelligent analysis of industrial bottlenecks, and precise docking of industrial services provide digital support and data services for multi-scenario applications of governments, industries, and enterprises.

Hangzhou Linping District is the first to actively respond to the call of the China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation and issue initiatives for enterprises in the entire industry chain in the region.� and industry solutions. Hong Junwei, Kornit Digital’s Greater China Development General Manager, focused on the development of printing and dyeing technology from traditional to digital, and introduced the company’s digital printing technology and equipment. Xie Jiaqing, Alibaba’s AliExpress merchant development and operation expert, introduced AliExpress’s overseas market layout and implementation plans to help Chinese brands go overseas, reduce costs and increase efficiency.

At the meeting, the 2021 China Apparel Industry Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprises and Shortlisted Enterprises, the 2021 China Apparel Industry Science and Technology Progress Award, and the China Apparel Patent Award were announced and awarded; the “2021 Apparel Industry Excellent Use “Recommended Catalog of New Technological Achievements and Solutions” 22 items.



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