Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Anhui Dongzhi: Timely rains come from the sky and a bumper cotton harvest is in sight

Anhui Dongzhi: Timely rains come from the sky and a bumper cotton harvest is in sight

Anhui Dongzhi: Timely rain and a bumper cotton harvest are in sight Since the end of Typhoon “Fireworks” on July 29, the weather in the east of Anhui has been mainly su…

Anhui Dongzhi: Timely rain and a bumper cotton harvest are in sight

Since the end of Typhoon “Fireworks” on July 29, the weather in the east of Anhui has been mainly sunny, hot and hot. The maximum temperature during the day exceeds 35 degrees Celsius. The sunshine is very abundant, and cotton growth has accelerated. However, the high temperature and sunny weather caused the cotton field soil to lose moisture quickly, making the cotton field soil white and not dry and cracked yet.

On August 10th and 11th, affected by the “low pressure vortex”, the local area experienced short-term rainfall. The moderate rainfall promptly alleviated the drought problem in the cotton fields and brought benefits to the growth of new cotton. It is understood that this rainfall did not cause water accumulation in ditches and lodging of cotton beads in cotton fields.

At present, the local cotton is growing well, and the height of the good-growing cotton plants is about 160 centimeters; the poor-growing cotton plants are also about 140 centimeters, with an average of 12-15 fruiting branches. The entire cotton field is lush and green, with budding fruiting branches. A good harvest is in sight.

August is an important period for cotton to bloom, sprout catkins, set bolls, and form bolls. It is also a critical period for protecting peaches and competing for autumn peaches. This period not only has the greatest demand for water and fertilizer, but also has high field management requirements for cotton farmers. It is a critical period for cotton harvest and production increase in the later period.

At present, cotton farmland management mainly includes the following five aspects: first, cotton pruning and topping management; second, cotton fertilization management; third, cotton watering management; fourth, cotton pest management; fifth, how to effectively prevent cotton bolls rot.



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