Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News In less than 8 months, China Textile City’s export value exceeded US$1 billion

In less than 8 months, China Textile City’s export value exceeded US$1 billion

In less than 8 months, the export value of China Textile City exceeded US$1 billion In less than 8 months, the export value of exports exceeded US$1 billion  China Textile CityThe …

In less than 8 months, the export value of China Textile City exceeded US$1 billion

In less than 8 months, the export value of exports exceeded US$1 billion

 China Textile CityThe market procurement trade method has become a good channel to develop new business opportunities

Keqiao News Yesterday at 1:45 pm, Shaoxing Xiangnan Import and Export Co., Ltd. sent a batch of goods worth US$90,000 to Greece through the China Textile City Market Procurement Trade Pilot. So far, our city has The value of exported goods through procurement trade exceeded US$1 billion, reaching US$1,000.07 million, equivalent to RMB 6.4 billion.

Keqiao is a city built on cloth and is striving to become an “international textile capital in the new era”. The reporter learned that since the fifth batch of national market procurement trade mode pilots were approved in September 2020 and the first order was opened on December 25, in less than 8 months, it has achieved gratifying results with the export value exceeding US$1 billion. .

Since the launch of the pilot, in order to guide existing market operators in the Textile City to carry out market procurement trade, the Market Procurement Trade Management Service Center has worked with various market companies to increase publicity and promotion in the main pilot positions, through market entry and face-to-face assistance. Business households complete the registration and filing of online information platform entities, and conduct “Market Procurement Trade Registration Supplier” licensing, etc., to increase market cultivation of market procurement bases.

At present, the pilot trade atmosphere is accelerating, and more and more companies are seizing development opportunities and participating in pilot businesses. “Market procurement trade is a good channel to open up new business opportunities. Now we can export products with tickets through general trade, and products without tickets can go out through market procurement trade. Adopt a two-legged approach of ‘general trade + market procurement’ to promote the highquality development of enterprises.” The relevant person in charge of Zhejiang Life Textile and Apparel Co., Ltd. said that in market procurement trade With the help of relevant personnel from the Management Service Center, they registered three suppliers and one foreign trade company at once. The company plans to officially start exporting goods through this new trade format this week.

As of 3 p.m. on August 16, a total of 11,044 export orders had been declared through the pilot, with an export volume of US$1,004.35 million, effectively driving the growth of the region’s foreign trade exports. At present, the export destinations of products have covered 138 countries and regions around the world, and the export commodities cover textiles, miscellaneous products and other categories.

The breakthrough of 1 billion US dollars sounded the clarion call for China Textile City’s market procurement and trade mode pilot to continue to make progress. In the next step, the relevant functional departments of China Textile City’s market procurement trade mode pilot will continue to increase the publicity of market procurement trade, create a good atmosphere of “market start, multi-party response”, effectively implement the market procurement trade mode pilot policy, and strive to take the lead The same batch of pilot cities.



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