Indonesia launches safeguard measures review investigation on imported yarn
On April 28, 2022, the WTO Safeguards Committee released the safeguard notification submitted to it by the Indonesian delegation. On April 25, 2022, at the request of Indonesian domestic manufacturers, the Indonesian Safeguard Measures Committee imposed restrictions on imported synthetic fiber yarns and artificial staple fiber yarns (except sewing threads) (Yarn (Other Than Sewing Thread) of Synthetic and Artificial Staple Fibres) The first safeguard sunset review investigation was launched. The Indonesian tax numbers of the products involved are 5509.22.00, 5509.32.00, 5509.51.00, 5509.53.00, 5510.12.00, and 5510.90.00.
Stakeholders should submit written and electronic application materials for registration of response within 15 days of the announcement. The Indonesian Safeguards Committee plans to register on the morning of May 30, 2022 A video hearing will be held from 10:00 to 12:00, and interested parties should submit case evidence materials before May 23, 2022.
Contact information of the investigating agency (Indonesian Safeguards Committee):
M.I.Ridwan Rais Street No.5, Building I, 5th Floor, Jakarta 10110
Tel/Fax: (6221) 385 7758
Email: [email protected] .id
On September 18, 2019, Indonesia launched a safeguard investigation into imported synthetic fiber yarns and man-made staple fiber yarns (except sewing threads). On March 3, 2020, the WTO Safeguards Committee released the safeguard notification submitted to it by the Indonesian delegation. Indonesia made a positive final ruling on the case and recommended that safeguard taxes be levied on the products involved. The details are as follows: May 27, 2020 From November 9, 2020 to November 8, 2020, it is IDR 1,405/kg, from November 9, 2020 to November 8, 2021, it is IDR 1,192/kg, from November 9, 2021 to November 8, 2022, it is IDR 979 Rupiah/kg.
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