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When will the dream of a textile power be realized?

When will the dream of becoming a textile power be realized? “’Thirteenth Five-Year Plan‘ During the period, the average annual growth rate of the industrial added valu…

When will the dream of becoming a textile power be realized?

“’Thirteenth Five-Year Plan‘ During the period, the average annual growth rate of the industrial added value of my country’s large-scale fabric enterprises remained at 6%~7%; fabric workwearExport market share remains basically stable;The growth pattern of the fabric industry has shifted from scale and speed to quality Benefit-oriented transformation.” Recently, the “Fabric Industry Development Plan (2016~2020)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”) compiled and announced by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology set the benchmark for the “13th Five-Year Plan” development of my country’s fabric industry.

Create new advantages in international competition

Experienced the progress of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” , my country’s fabric industry has grown steadily in scale and efficiency, and structural adjustment has continued to deepen. Technological innovation And technological progress has been significantly improved, and its position in the fabric industry has been further consolidated. But what cannot be ignored is that investment in industrial innovation is low and innovativetalents are lacking , the comprehensive innovation ability is weak; factor costs continue to rise, and international comparative advantages are weakened; the effective supply of mid-to-high-end products is insufficient, and some industries have periodic and structural overcapacity; the quality standard governance system needs to be further improved, and the brand influence needs to be improved; cotton The process of institutional market-oriented reform is slow, and the quality of domestic cotton is declining… These issues that plague the progress of the industry require continued attention.

Facing the current situation of industry development, the “Plan” proposes to further consolidate and improve the performance of my country’s fabric industry in production, manufacturing and international trade through the progress of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” The advantages and status of the fabric industry have formed a development pattern of innovation-driven development, improved quality and efficiency, obvious brand effect, and strengthened international cooperation, creating new advantages in international competition, and initially building a strong fabric country.

In addition to the industry growth goals, the “Plan” also puts forward the industry progress during the “13th Five-Year Plan” period in terms of technological innovation, structural adjustment, quality brand and green progress goals.

In terms of technological innovation, by the end of the “13th Five-Year Plan”, the R&D expenditures of large and medium-sized enterprises will account for 1% of their main business income. During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, the number of creative patent authorizations in the fabric industry increased by an average of 15% per year, and the labor productivity of all employees above designated size increased by an average of 8% per year. Complete sets of intelligent fabric technology and equipment have been industrialized, andintelligent manufacturing has become the driving force behind the fabric industry an important force in transformation and upgrading.

Accelerating structural adjustment, by the end of the “13th Five-Year Plan”, the fiber consumption ratio of the three major categories of end products: workwear, home textiles, and industrial use has reached 40:27: 33; The proportion of main business income of fabric enterprises above designated size in the central and western regions increased by 5 percentage points. The proportion of high-quality, functional, intelligent products has increased significantly, with large-scale individuality New production models and industrial forms such as customized customization and service-oriented manufacturing are developing rapidly.

Improve the quality brand. By the end of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”, the international standard conversion rate has increased by 10 percentage points; the brand talent team in the fabric industry has gradually grown, and the brand service level has been significant. With the improvement, the brand’s international operation capabilities have been significantly enhanced, forming a number of well-known brands with high market recognition and reputation.

Accelerate green progress and form a green manufacturing system for the fabric industry. By 2020, the energy consumption per unit of industrial added value of fabrics will have dropped by 18% cumulatively. Water withdrawal per unit of industrial added value dropped by 23%, and the total discharge of major pollutants dropped by 10%.

Clear key breakthroughs in tasks

In order to achieve the development goals of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”, the “Plan” specifically lists the key tasks for industry development.

In terms of improving industrial innovation capabilities, we will accelerate the construction of a scientific and technological innovation system; further make breakthroughs in high-quality, low-cost technologies for high-performance fibers and bio-based raw materials and green fiber finishing technologies, and make breakthroughs in new nonwovens, multi-layer lamination of multiple materials, stationary weaving, etc. Key technologies; promote the integrated application of the Internet, big data, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things in the fabric industry, and promote innovation in manufacturing models and business models.

 Vigorously implemented” “Three products” strategy, promote brand building, optimize the product supply structure, fully explore consumption hot spots and demand blind spots, expand the supply of mid-to-high-end fabric workwear products, focus on design innovation, develop fashionable, personalized and intelligent products; strengthen the entire process from raw material procurement to production and sales Process quality control, promote the construction of quality traceability system and measurement management system; improve the fabric industry standard system, strengthen new fiber varieties, functional fabrics,The formulation and revision of standards in the fields of industrial fabrics, intelligent fabric manufacturing and the integration of “two informatizations” will promote the connection and matching of upstream and downstream standards in the fabric workwear industry chain, and accelerate international standards Transform and promote international mutual recognition of fabric standards.

Promote intelligent fabric manufacturing, strengthen the development of automated, digital, and intelligent fabric equipment; promote the construction of smart factories (workshops), and promote information technology in fabric production, With the extensive application of R&D, management, warehousing, logistics and other aspects, the labor productivity of intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration projects has increased by more than 30%, the product development and production cycle has been shortened by more than 20%, and the defective product rate has been reduced by 30%; cultivation progress has been achieved in large-scale personalized customization , formulate standards for workwear measurement methods, and use industrialized means to produce personalized products in the workwear and home textile industries.

Accelerate the green development process, develop and promote advanced green manufacturing technologies, carry out green supply chain management pilots, and build a comprehensive network from raw materials, production, marketing, consumption to recycling and reuse fabric recycling system and cultivate green supply chain demonstration enterprises.

Promote regional coordination and development, give play to the industry leading role of the eastern region, and focus on the development of technology research and development centers, fashion creative centers, brand marketing centers and high-end manufacturing centers and other values At the high end of the chain, build a digital, networked and intelligent manufacturing demonstration base; support the orderly undertaking in the central and western regionsIndustrial transfer; Improve the level of fabric development, actively guide advantageous enterprises to integrate resources, and form a multinational enterprise group with competitive advantages; promoteIndustrial clusters will be optimized and upgraded. By 2020, 3 to 5 first-class fabric industry clusters with an output value of 100 billion yuan will be formed.

Improve the comprehensive strength of enterprises and accelerate technological transformation of enterprises; promote the coordinated progress of large and medium-sized enterprises, encourage fabric enterprises to extend the industrial chain, and support the mergers and acquisitions of industry leading enterprises and brand enterprises Reorganize and improve resource integration capabilities. By 2020, there will be more than 50 brand companies with annual sales revenue of more than 10 billion yuan in the industry; promote service-oriented manufacturing and guide fabric manufacturing companies to expand product functions, improve transaction efficiency, and meet the deep needs of customers. The focus is to provide customers with personalized product design and overall solutions, and support engineering fabrics manufacturing companies to extend into service areas such as product research and development, engineering design and construction, operation and maintenance, and product update and recycling.



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