Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Ten standards for anti-static fabric work clothes

Ten standards for anti-static fabric work clothes

Ten standards for anti-static fabric work clothes Tag: Anti-static fabrics, anti-static clothing, anti-static clothing, anti-static fabrics, anti-static clothing standards Anti-sta…

Ten standards for anti-static fabric work clothes


Anti-static fabrics, anti-static clothing, anti-static clothing, anti-static fabrics, anti-static clothing standards

Anti-static fabric: To prevent the accumulation of static electricity in clothing, conductive fibers are mixed into the fabric at roughly intervals or evenly during weaving. Conductive fiber: Fiber made by composite spinning method using metal oxide or carbon black. Clothing appearance requirements: no damage, spots, dirt or other defects that affect the performance of the clothing. Anti-static fabric performance: In an environment with a temperature of 20±5℃ and a humidity of 30~40%, after washing for 100 times, the average surface charge density of the fabric is ≤7.0μc/m2. Anti-static clothing performance: The charged amount of each piece of anti-static clothing is <0.6μc/piece, washing resistance (level A ≥ 33.0 h, level B ≥ 16.5 h). Inspection standards for anti-static clothing: National Standard for Anti-static Clothing of the People’s Republic of China (GB12014-89). Anti-static clothing inspection basis: GB/T12703-1991 "Textiles Static Test Methods". Anti-static fabric dyeing requirements: light mercerization, no sanding. Try to control the dosage of oxygen bleach at 80%. Requirements for wearing anti-static clothing: It is prohibited to put on and take off protective clothing in flammable and explosive places; it is prohibited to wear any metal objects on anti-static clothing; it must be used in conjunction with anti-static shoes.



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