Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Xiqiao’s “iron fist” to rectify the textile printing and dyeing industry, reward 200,000 for reporting

Xiqiao’s “iron fist” to rectify the textile printing and dyeing industry, reward 200,000 for reporting

Xiqiao’s “iron fist” rectifies the textile printing and dyeing industry and rewards 200,000 yuan for reporting “To move forward side by side and overcome difficul…

Xiqiao’s “iron fist” rectifies the textile printing and dyeing industry and rewards 200,000 yuan for reporting

“To move forward side by side and overcome difficulties, all functional departments and enterprises must show their responsibilities and increase efforts to promote the rectification and improvement of the textile printing and dyeing industry.” 8 On March 14, Xiqiao Town held a meeting on the rectification and improvement of the textile printing and dyeing industry. Zhang Guoxin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Xiqiao Town, emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen the rectification and law enforcement of the textile printing and dyeing industry to further protect the safety of the ecological environment and the health of the people.

The meeting first deployed relevant requirements for the rectification and improvement of the textile printing and dyeing industry, emphasizing that in the next stage, companies in the textile printing and dyeing industry that have illegal pollutant discharges and other illegal operations will increase law enforcement and use iron-fist rectification to strengthen the implementation of drainage Requirements for monitoring systems, standardizing the setting of discharge outlets, and monitoring of discharge outlets, and strictly prohibit excessive discharge of pollutants or illegal discharge of pollutants in the textile printing and dyeing industry.

“The textile industry is a pillar industry for people’s livelihood in Xiqiao. To become bigger and stronger, industrial upgrading and transformation are imminent.” Zhang Guoxin said that Xiqiao Town mentioned “space reconstruction” in the seventh Party Congress held previously. The main line of work is to reshape the industry and create a better life in Xiqiao. Therefore, we must pay attention to the rectification and improvement of the textile printing and dyeing industry, seize the present, and face the future.

It is reported that Xiqiao Town has recently issued the “Xiqiao Town Ecological Environment Supervision Office’s Special Law Enforcement Action Plan for Industrial Parks Surrounding Key Rivers” and the “Xiqiao Town Village-Level Industrial Park Renovation and Improvement 100-Day Action Plan” , continue to standardize the supervision of enterprises in village-level industrial parks including the textile printing and dyeing industry, comprehensively investigate and deal with unlicensed operations, environmental pollution, safety hazards, fire hazards and other issues of enterprises in village-level industrial parks, and guide enterprisesTransformation and upgrading, optimize the industrial structure, and resolve the environmental dilemmas faced by the masses from the root.

In addition, we carry out corporate rectification work by classification, continue to improve environmental quality, and protect the safety of the ecological environment and the health of the people. For example, on August 13, the Xiqiao Ecological Environment Supervision Office organized a night duty inspection of the sand field next to the Ruxi Gas Station and Junxiong Dyeing and Finishing Factory, requiring strict implementation of dust prevention measures and intensified efforts to control waste gas and sewage discharge. And other issues.

It is worth mentioning that Xiqiao Town also encourages all citizens to participate in environmental protection supervision and management. In accordance with the “Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China” and other laws and regulations, and based on the actual situation of Xiqiao, the “Xiqiao Town Environmental Violations Reporting and Reward Measures” were formulated (Trial)”, severely crack down on various environmental violations, effectively improve environmental quality, and comprehensively promote the construction of ecological civilization in Xiqiao Town.

Applicable reporting behavior

(1) Without environmental impact assessment approval, chemical, electroplating, textile printing and dyeing, papermaking, aluminum profiles, and metal surface treatment enterprises are built without authorization and discharge pollutants;

(2) Discharging wastewater through hidden pipes, seepage wells, seepage pits, irrigation, etc.;

(3) Unauthorized dismantling, idleness or abnormal use of wastewater and exhaust gas pollutant treatment facilities (including automatic monitoring facilities);

(4) Illegal discharge of waste water and waste gas by evading supervision by tampering with or forging monitoring data;

(5) Illegal discharge, dumping, and disposal of hazardous waste;

(6) The competent department of ecological environment has taken measures such as ordering to stop production, sealing up and detaining, and has resumed production without approval;

(7) Building or expanding facilities that burn highly polluting fuels in the no-burn zone, or failing to stop burning highly polluting fuels in accordance with regulations;

(8) It was discovered that within the jurisdiction of Xiqiao Town, there are textile industry printing, washing, and washing machines that do not comply with industrial policies, do not comply with relevant industry management requirements, and have not passed environmental assessment approval. Water technology enterprise;

(9) Suspected of environmental pollution crimes:

1. Illegal discharge, dumping or disposal of more than three tons of hazardous waste;

 2. Emission, dumping, and disposal of pollutants containing lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, arsenic, thallium, and antimony exceeding national or local pollutant emission standards III More than twice;

3. Discharge, dump, or dispose of pollutants containing nickel, copper, zinc, silver, vanadium, manganese, and cobalt, exceeding the national or local pollutant discharge standards by more than ten times;

4. Privately installed hidden pipes emit pollutants containing heavy metals.



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