Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News The printing and dyeing plant and washing plant in the apparel production park of the Shonan Textile Industry Base are fully under construction

The printing and dyeing plant and washing plant in the apparel production park of the Shonan Textile Industry Base are fully under construction

The printing and dyeing factory and washing plant in the apparel production park of the Shonan Textile Industry Base are fully under construction In the past few days, on the basis…

The printing and dyeing factory and washing plant in the apparel production park of the Shonan Textile Industry Base are fully under construction

In the past few days, on the basis of epidemic prevention and control, various key projects in Changning, Hunan Province have set off wave after wave of construction boom. The builders have fought against the high temperatures and scorching heat and worked hard on the front line of the construction of key projects. Make every effort to promote project construction.

On August 13, the author walked into the Xiangnan Textile Industry Base Apparel Production Park, a special textile industry park cultivated and developed by the province. The sound of roaring machines can be heard everywhere, and the busy figures of workers can be seen, showing a fiery scene. production scene. Read the code, take the temperature, register… At the entrance of the factories and project construction sites that have entered the park, the staff strictly implements the screening and registration of people and vehicles, requiring each person to have their temperature checked and wear a mask Strictly prevent the imported epidemic.

In the production workshop of Kangjie Clothing Company, which has been put into production, more than a hundred workers wearing masks are busy on the production line. The person in charge of the company, Liao Zhiyong, came to the factory gate to carefully check the entry and exit registration status of the day, and urged those responsible for epidemic prevention and control to strictly control the epidemic to ensure that the company’s production is not affected.

“The production tasks are very tight, and we insist on focusing on both epidemic prevention and control and production and operation.” Liao Zhiyong said that after the vaccination was fully liberalized, the factory organized all employees to be vaccinated. New employees who entered the factory must also have vaccination records before they are allowed to work in the factory. Especially since July, the factory has implemented normalized management of epidemic prevention and control, prepared sufficient epidemic prevention materials, and carried out regular disinfection and disinfection of working and living areas and other epidemic prevention measures. From January to June this year, the factory produced more than 1.12 million pairs of jeans, all of which were exported, with an output value of more than 60 million yuan.

The Xiangnan Textile Industry Base is a textile industry characteristic park that is the focus of the province’s “14th Five-Year Plan”. The overall plan is about 6 square kilometers and is divided into a clothing production park, environmental protection The two functional areas of the facility park cover the entire industrial chain including clothing production, washing, printing and dyeing, combined heat and power, sewage treatment, brand research and development, and foreign trade marketing. The total investment of the project is 10 billion yuan. After reaching full capacity, the annual output value will be 100 billion yuan and the annual export trade volume will be 30 billion yuan.

In the 2021 “Hong Kong Negotiation Week” – Hengyang Textile and Garment Industry Chain Special Investment Promotion and Signing of Major Projects, 31 key projects of the textile and garment industry chain, including Jincheng Clothing and Hongyao Textile, were completed with the Shonan Textile Industry Base The signing of the contract, with a total investment of 5.445 billion yuan, further develops and strengthens the agglomeration advantage of the entire clothing and textile industry chain of the Xiangnan Textile Industry Base, and consolidates Changning’s status as a bridgehead in undertaking coastal textile industrial transfer.

Focus on epidemic prevention and control with one hand and economic development with the other.

Since the beginning of this year, the Changning Municipal Party Committee and Government have carried out “a game of chess” planning for all projects, regularly investigated project progress, real-time scheduling, on-site office work, and deployed experts who understand projects, engineering, and designTalent “One-to-one” service, each project is provided with dedicated personnel and dedicated shifts, implementation of reverse schedules, wall chart operations, efforts to optimize processes, speed up construction, and implement various epidemic prevention measures to ensure Project construction will not slow down. At present, 260,000 square meters of factory buildings and shift rooms have been built in the first phase of the apparel production park, which will be fully put into use in the near future; the basic work of the first phase of the environmental protection facility park has been fully completed, with 2 printing and dyeing plants, 7 washing plants, and 1,103 units The construction of staff dormitories, three main roads and pipe network supporting projects has been fully started.

It is understood that 55 companies have officially signed contracts for the first phase of the Xiangnan Textile Industry Base, 32 have settled in the apparel production park, and purchased about 150,000 square meters of standard factories. Among them, three companies, Xuhua, Kangjie, and Qianyi Fang, have been put into operation. Three companies, Shengwen Ribbon, Qi’ao Trading, and Dezheng Trading, are stepping up their renovation and installation of equipment; 23 companies have settled in the environmental protection facility park, purchased 120,000 square meters of standard factory buildings, and purchased 100 acres of land. Currently, the first phase of the environmental protection facility park factory buildings and land have been The supply exceeds the demand, and companies come here one after another and start to make reservations for the second-phase factory buildings and land.



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